Page 14 of Lane's Destiny
They both nodded their heads, but Mark wanted to know more. “Are any of them your cousins or their kids?”
“One or two possibly. Their names are familiar, but we were teenagers the last time we saw each other. And I have no idea if they have kids.”
Mark shook his head, “I never would have thought you would do something like this?”
“Like what?” Lane asked.
Ben leaned forward and looked at Lane, “He means calculating.” He turned his attention to Mark. “Not normally, no. But if they don’t care that they are putting added pressure on my wife on what is to be the happiest day of her life, then you best bet I’ll do it.”
Mark shrugged. “I get it. I’d do the same for Ava.”
“Good.” Ben stood, “Now that’s settled, I’m going to help Abbi pack. Getting away from the house for a bit will help us both I think.”
“Ah,” Lane held up a finger. “One question. What are you going to do with all the animals while they are here?”
Ben slowly sat back down. “Shit. I completely forgot about them.”
“As much as I hate to offer,” Mark said. “Bird can come to our place. He’s used to it.”
Ben nodded, “True. And the cats and dogs? They can’t go to the inn.”
“Them too.”
“That’s too much to ask of you and Ava,” Lane said. “The cats yes, and Lucy, she’s too scared to go anywhere other than your house. But I can take Brutus and Molly to the spa.”
“Are you sure Lane?” Ben asked.
“Yup, they can keep me company.”
“Thanks guys.” Ben stood again, then said, “The uninvited guests can have free rein of the house. I’ll go tell Abbi.” With that he went to find her.
“So, when did you want the keys to the spa?” Mark asked.
Lane got up from the table and put his cup in the sink. “We should probably go tell Ava, shouldn’t we?”
“Yeah, that would be an idea,” Mark stood up too and pushed his chair in. “Might as well go now if you’re not busy?”
“I’m free, until mom puts me to work.”
“Then let’s go,” Mark said, heading to the back door.