Page 29 of Lane's Destiny
“Look, yes the wedding has been stressful and so is having a child but that doesn’t mean she just...” Kim tossed her hand in the air, “...up and left.... She’s nuts about you. A bit too much at times if you ask me.”
“Look, Ben,” Mark said. “Maybe you should go and try to get some sleep, buddy.”
Ben shook his head, “I won’t be able to sleep, not until Abbi is found.”
“Then what the hell are we waiting around here for?” Kim said, jumping out of her seat. “Let’s go look for her.”
Lane looked at his aunt, “Did you forget there is an infant sleeping in the other room?”
“No!” she spat out. “Ben and Dean can stay here. The rest of us can go look for her.”
Desi looked around at everyone, waiting for a response. When no one was forthcoming with one, she said, “I’ll go with you Kim.”
Mark and Ava looked at each other, then at Kim. “Us too,” Ava said, as Mark nodded.
“What about you Lane, are you coming or what?” Kim asked, standing up.
Lane shot a glance at Desi and saw that she was looking at him. He may not have known her long, but long enough to see disappointment on her face.
Looking her in the eyes, he said, “Was there ever any doubt? Besides, we have a cat to find as well.” As soon as he said it, the disappointment was replaced with hope.
“A cat? Whose cat?” Mark asked puzzled, as he had seen Ben and Abbi’s cats not more than five minutes ago.
“Destiny’s. Her cat was stolen. We will tell you later,” Lane turned to Kim. “You better go fill Dean in on what’s going on.”
Nodding, Kim jumped up and went searching for him.
He then turned and looked at Ben.
“And Ben. I know you want to come, but you need to stay here for two reasons. One is Annabelle, she’ll need you if she wakes up and two...” Lane paused, hating the thought, and hated it even more that he had to say it. This was his mother they were talking about after all; a famous writer who was about to get married to Hollywood’s most sought-after actor before he quit, but he had to. “ case someone calls asking for a ransom.”
Chapter 11
They all set off fromthe house on foot, all except Ben and Dean, with flashlights in hand. It had taken a bit of convincing to keep Ben at the house. He only agreed to it after Dean had called the local police again and finally another officer was called in to help along with the search. They were currently standing in the middle of the road, arguing on which path to take.
Lane had finally had it with the bickering and barked, “Enough!