Page 47 of Lane's Destiny
Chapter 16
Thankfully after breakfast, Ben’s parents arrived from England and shooed everyone out the door but Anna, they were more than happy to watch their only grandchild.
Everyone else was sitting in the police station getting agitated by the second. After telling the cops about the app and where Abbi, Lane and Desi were, it was decided that a search party would be organized. They were now waiting and had been all day on when that would happen.
Sitting on a chair, Kim was bouncing her knee up and down. Glancing at everyone she loudly whispered, “Why are we waiting here again?”
“It’s procedure Kim,” Dean said, laying his hand on her leg, stilling her anxiety momentarily.
“I don’t care what it is. We should be out there looking for them. Luke, didn’t you say Lane’s tracker stopped?”
He nodded. “Yeah, has been for roughly an hour now. The cool thing about this app is that you can see a satellite view. Looks like they crossed the highway and are now in a bush area.”
Ava jumped up and went and sat beside her brother. “Let me see,” she said, taking the phone from him. “That’s highway 71.” She looked over at Mark and saw that he was biting his nail, “Mark, stop that. Isn’t that where the old emu ranch is?”
“What? I wasn’t listening.”
Ava tsked and was about to repeat herself when Ben stood and said, “Yes, it is. I’ve been out there... that’s where Jasmine lives.” A thought occurred to him as he looked at his own phone. “Luke how do you get to the satellite view?”
Luke walked over to Ben and took the offered phone. Going into the settings, he changed the view to satellite and gave it back. “There you go.” He leaned over and pointed at an icon, “You can change it from night to daytime too. Just click on the moon in the bottom right corner.”
“Thanks man,” Ben absently replied. He was busy swiping the screen, keeping his eyes open for the ranch. Finally, a building came into view amongst the trees, along with Abbi’s phone signal. Not entirely sure if it was the emu farm or not, he kept swiping his screen and it was just as he thought...
“So, guys, I’m sorry for making you wait so long,” Constable Vince Scott said, as he came into the room. “I hate to do this to you, but the search won’t start until morning.”
“You’re friggin joking, right?” Kim stood and went toe to toe to the man. “You do realize that two more people are missing? What the hell kind of police force is this?” she yelled.
“Kim.” Dean grabbed her by the arm, fearing she was about to hit the man, he pulled her back and placed a firm arm around her shoulders, holding her at his side.
Ben nodded. “It’s completely understandable... ah where should we meet in the morning?”
Kim whipped her head around, open-mouthed, she stared at Ben. She recovered quickly, and shouted, “What iswrongwith you?”
“Nothing, Vince is right, it’s too dark out there and we can’t expect people to put themselves in danger.”
Kim threw her hands in the air and stalked out of the room in a huff, she was soon followed by Ava and Luke.
“Um, tomorrow at 8 am in front of Mack’s store will be fine,” Vince replied. “Like I said, I’m really sorry about this.”
Ben waved a hand in dismissal. “Pfft, don’t worry about it. You two ready to go?” he looked at Mark then Dean.
Both nodded without saying a word.
“Alright then,” Ben said. “We will be there in the morning. Have a goodnight, Vince.”
As soon as the three men exited the building, Kim pounced.
She waved a hand at the police station. “What the hell was that all about, Ben?! Two days Abbi has been missing for.Two Days! And when we have a chance to find her you just say, ‘it’s too dark outside’,” she said, mimicking his British accent.
“Will you shut up Kim?” Dean said.
“Me?! Me shut up?” She shrieked as Dean grabbed her by the shoulders. “At least I have the balls to—”
When Kim was riled up the only way Dean found to get her to stop, was to kiss her. So, that’s what he did. Setting her at arm’s length, he said, “There. Now, if you had been watching Ben, you would have seen from the look on his face that he’s up to something....” He dropped his hands and turned to look at his friend. “Am I right?”
Ben nodded and started walking to his car. “Yeah... I know where she is. She’s at the emu farm. When you changed the view on the app Luke, to be sure, I checked to see if there were any other houses on that road near Abbi’s signal, there isn’t.”