Page 50 of Lane's Destiny
Dean spoke up, “The plan is to go as silent as possible and not get shot.”
Ava grabbed hold of Dean’s arm. “What makes you think they have guns?”
“I don’t. But let’s just say that your mom twisted her ankle and needed help. Why hasn’t she called yet?”
Losing hope, Ava looked down at her feet and muttered, “Oh... I never thought of it that way.”
“Right,” Ben nodded. “Let’s get a move on.”
As the four made their way down the winding road, Ava prayed Dean wasn’t right.
“WAIT, SO YOU’RE SAYINGthat Lane doesn’t like this girl Desi at all, and they are living together?” Tim asked, looking at Kim.
Mark chuckled as he steered the truck towards the signal of Lane’s phone. “Yeah, they are living together and, he likes her alright. He just doesn’t know it yet.”
Both Kim and Tim looked at Mark. “What makes you say that?” she asked.
Mark glanced at her and then took a double take when he saw the scowl on her face. “Come on. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way he watches her.”
Kim raised a brow. “You mean with contempt? Or maybe you mean with suspicion?”
“Watch it!” Tim yelled.
Mark slammed on the breaks, narrowly missing a deer that was standing in the middle of the road.
“Holy crap!” Kim smacked the dashboard, watching as it made its merry way across the road, she muttered, “I almost pissed my pants!”
Mark pulled off to the side of the road and looked at her. “Get out.”
“I said, almost.”
“I heard you the first time.” Mark turned the truck off and said, “Now get out, we are walking the rest of the way.”
“In the dark? What if there’s more deer, like a herd of them and they trample us?”
“That’s a chance we will have to take,” Tim laughed.
Kim knew she wasn’t going to win this one, it was worth a shot though. “But... how far do we have to walk?”
Mark raised his arm and pointed out her window. “About 100 feet that way.”
“Oh, well then...” Kim said, pulling on the door handle. “... I think it will be safe enough.”
Tim pulled out a flashlight and shone it down what looked like an old laneway of sorts. “Isn’t that a fire?”
“Where?” Kim swung around and looked to where he was pointing the light.
“Yeah,” Mark said. “I don’t think it’s Lane though.”
“Why not?” Kim tapped Luke’s phone that Mark was holding. “His signal is showing that way.”
“Because that’s like thirty feet away, not 100, like it says,” Mark replied. “So, what should we do?”
Mark and Kim, both said, “Whoa!” as Tim pulled out his gun.
Kim squeaked, “What the hell do you need that for?”