Page 56 of Lane's Destiny
They crossed over to the other side and saw what Abbi was so excited about. While they were gone, she had removed the planks. Only one problem... it didn’t lead outside, but into a short hallway that led to another room of the barn.
“Let’s go,” she whispered. “But be quiet, there’s a guy sleeping over by the far wall on a cot.”
Lane looked at his mother. “Are you crazy?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
While mother and son argued, Desi ducked into the hallway and into the next room.
“Desi!” Lane whispered loudly from the other side. “Get your ass back here!”
Ignoring him, she walked further into the room, straight to the cages that lined the walls, each one held a sleeping dog. It was a mistake that could have been avoided if only she had listened to Lane. As soon as she approached the first cage all the dogs woke up and started freaking out. It didn’t take long for the man sleeping on the cot to bolt off it with a gun in his hand.
Desi froze as he yelled, “You! Drop to the floor or I’ll shoot!”
She never moved so fast in her life as she did then. Dropping like a brick from a skyscraper, for the first time in her life she felt real fear.
Lane and Abbi heard the man bark the order and then the static sound of him talking into a walkie talkie. He sprung into action to defend Desi. One leg over the wall he was just about to follow through with his body when Abbi lunged at him from behind. Wrapping her arms around his middle, she braced her feet against the wall as he struggled to come loose.
Abbi shook her head vehemently when Lane turned to look at her. He saw the look of panic and fear in her eyes and knew she was right. If he went charging in with no weapon, he wouldn’t make it more than a foot inside. Abbi let go of him as he stopped fighting and grabbed him by the arm. She waited until they were out of the grain enclosure and back in the main hall, when she said, “We know where she will be. Let’s get out of here and find some help.”
They hurried back to where Lane had found Abbi’s cellphone knowing that was one way out. As they neared closer to it, they slowed down their pace and cautiously looked around. This area was the biggest that they had come across and anyone could be hiding waiting to pounce.
Confident that they were entering an empty room, they snuck across to the closed outside door that Lane was sure that he and Desi had entered through earlier and froze as it slowly creaked open...
THE MAN KNELT BESIDEDesi, grabbed her wrists and zip tied them together. Pulling her by the arm, he dragged her to her knees. “Stand up,” he ordered. “You’re going to go meet someone,” he said. With a wicked smile he grabbed her by the arm and steered her towards the other end of the room and shoved her on the cot he’d been sleeping on.
Desi sat there without saying a word as she watched him take a ring of keys from his pocket and went to unlock a door. She was calculating the distance in her mind from where she sat to the hallway when a static sound came from the walkie talkie on his hip. A man’s voice said, “Dan, are you there?”
With one eye on her, he snatched it up and said, “Yeah, I’m just unlocking the door now.”
“Good. Watch her, if she tries to run, shoot her.”
Well, there went that idea Desi thought, biting her lip. Thank God she hadn’t acted upon her thoughts. He would have shot her in the back.
“You heard the man,” Dan said, opening the door to the outside world. “Let’s go.” He cocked his gun and aimed it at her. “No funny business and you will be just fine... for now.”