Page 61 of Lane's Destiny
“Come on, missy,” he said, taking Desi by the arm. “Time to make you go away...”
Desi looked at Brian as Ike started ushering her towards the door. Putting on the brakes she wanted to get the last word in. Knowing he would never be able to kill anyone, that was too dirty for him, she went for the one thing that would destroy his ego. Desi sneered at him, “I know why you like hitting women.”
Brian couldn’t help but entertain her, “Oh, do you now?”
“Mhm, it makes you feel like a real man because your dick is the tiniest, I’ve seen in my life.”
He looked taken aback. “Oh really? So, you lied when you said you were a virgin?”
She shook her head. “No, not at all. If you must know, I’ve been with a real man since coming here, one that knows how to pleasure a woman with nothingbuthis dick.”
Desi had the satisfaction of seeing him go from red to purple right before he screamed, “Get her the fuck out of here!”
Hurriedly, Ike ushered her out the door, just in time. Quickly he slammed it shut behind them as the sound of a glass shattering against it echoed in their ears.
Jubilation was replaced by fear. Desi knew she was on her way to meet her maker and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it...
“Look, he’s got Desi,” Ava pointed as they watched the two come down the back steps.
They had been watching intently ever since the man that had taken Desi into the house had left on an ATV.
Lane stood up. “I’m going to head them off.”
Luke grabbed him by the arm as they watched where he was taking her. “Wait. That’s where Jasmine is.”
Lane shook his arm off and said, “You’re point?”
“That’s where the cats are. Her cat should be there.”
“I don’t care. I’m not waiting to hear a gunshot, got it?”
Ava stood and said, “Lane’s right. We can’t wait.”
Luke threw his hands up, “Fine. Let’s go.”
They waited until the two entered through the door then made their move. A man on a mission, Lane led the way while his siblings cautiously looked around, ready to dive back into the trees at a moment’s notice.
They made it across the yard in one piece and headed directly to the door Desi and Ike had disappeared through. Lane grabbed hold of the door handle and tried it. Surprised that it turned in his hand, he pushed the door open.
No one was there.
Luke softly closed the door and Lane looked at him. “Lock it,” he whispered to his brother.
Luke returned the look with his brows raised.
“If someone were to come in, we will hear the keys,” Lane explained softly.
“Good point,” Ava whispered back.
Lane turned and scanned the room as they entered. A desk sat under a window with an open book laying atop of it and a tv was hung in the corner loudly playing a black and white vampire flick. A closed door to the right of the room sat between two shelves crammed with papers that he’d love to get a better look at, but they weren’t there for that.
Instead, Lane moved over to the desk and looked at the book. It was a ledger, all handwritten with three columns. Names and home addresses of people in the first row, dog breeds with their names in the next and dollar amount in the last.
Lane turned to Ava and asked quietly, “Can I see your phone? And do me a favour, flip through this book, but don’t lose the page it’s open at.”
Without a word, she handed it to him and did as he asked while he took picture after picture of the ledger. He was done and handing Ava her phone back when they heard sobbing coming from the room with the closed door.
Lane was kicking himself for being a snoop instead of going straight for Desi. Worried that a gun going off would attract unwanted attention, he left Dean’s in his waistband and grabbed a golf club from a set in the corner he’d spied earlier. Tossing it to Luke he took two more. Handing one to Ava, he raised his own like a bat then kicked the door in.