Page 8 of Lane's Destiny
She sent him a warning look. “Wait a minute. Please don’t tell me you interrogated her...”
“No, I did not... she wouldn’t let me,” he mumbled.
“Ahahaha,” Kim cackled. “Serves you right!”
“Do you even know anything about her?” He lowered his voice, “She could be related to Raven.”
“Pfft, that’s highly unlikely.”
“Maybe. But that doesn’t make it not possible.”
“Look, she just showed up one day at the door with our brochure in her hand. Said that she needed a fresh start, so she quit her job in Montreal and decided to come to Pearl Lake,” Kim said, then ate a fork full of mashed potatoes. “Oh, my lord,” she sighed in heaven. “You need to eat some of this food Lane. The girl can cook!”
“Apparently. Mark is on his second helping.”
“He lied. It’s his third.”
“I’ll go get a plate then,” he said, standing up. “Ah one more thing... Where did she get the brochure from if she was from Montreal?”
Kim looked up at him. “She worked at the printing shop that made them.”
Bingo. His first clue. Now all he had to do was grab one and see if the printer had their logo on it.
Chapter 4
Desi raced up the stairsas fast as she could, half expecting Lane to follow her. When she realized he wasn’t, she slowed her pace along the corridor to the sliding door that opened on the main staircase. Stepping on the lever that opened it, she was relieved to find it empty. Quietly she went up the second flight, to the main hall and to her room. She quickly closed the door behind her and leaned back against it, catching her breath.
This was a bad idea. She should never have come to the inn looking for work. She never should have gotten involved with this family and she never should have thought that she could get help from Lane. She’d been mortified when she heard him yelling on the other side of the swinging kitchen door and rightly so, especially when he was covered in biscuits.
She needed to get out of there and cut ties with everyone that was currently downstairs; the sooner the better. But first she needed a shower. Walking into the bathroom she turned the tap on and started to get undressed while the hot water made its way up from the basement to the faucet. The first day she was a guest at the inn she’d learned the hard way. She now knew it took at least a good 5 minutes before she could get in.
Sliding the glass door open, she stepped under the steaming water and let the days tension melt down the drain.
LANE HAD TO ADMIT,Desi was a damn fine cook as he ate the last bite of roast beef off his plate. He contemplated licking it clean but thought better of it. He was sure if he did Kim would throw something at his head.