Page 80 of Lane's Destiny
It was for the best she thought as she turned around and started the long trek home.
LANE CAME AROUND TOthe front of the inn and couldn’t wait to tell her the good news. Pulling the bike to a stop, he toed the kickstand out then leaned the bike on it and left it running.
Walking along the stone path to the front door, he smiled thinking she was probably sitting on the floor sound asleep. But when he got to the doors, he realized that wasn’t the case when he saw his helmet sitting there. No telling how long it had been there, he snatched it up, and carried it to his bike, hanging it from the handlebar, he straightened the bike, lifted the kickstand, and gunned it. He was bound to catch up with her. But he hadn’t.
When he got home, he rushed up the stairs and went straight to her room. It was then that he realized she had to have taken the short cut up the staircase on the hill. Because there she was sound asleep snoring softly with Nala curled up to her side.
Lane didn’t have the heart to wake her up. Taking the blankets that she had kicked off, he gently covered her then leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips. That’s when he saw the track of tears that had dried upon her face.
Chapter 27
Desi woke to a badtaste in her mouth. That would teach her to go to bed without brushing her teeth first. Stretching she groaned as every muscle in her body cried out in pain.
Pushing the covers off, she sat on the side of the bed as the sun streaming through the window warmed her back. Getting up she stumbled around gathering her clothes, so she could take a shower. She had to get back to the inn to finish cleaning up the mess.
Heading into the hallway, she frowned at the closed bathroom door. Leaning her ear against it, she heard running water and Lane singing. She scowled at the door and was going to yell at him for being so cheery, when she felt like utter shit, but then it hit her... he was leaving today.
Foregoing the shower, she went back to her room and got dressed. As she came out of her room the bathroom door still stood closed. Rushing past it, she headed down the stairs to the kitchen. She would make a quick cup of coffee and get out of there before he came down.
Only that didn’t happen. The water hadn’t even boiled yet when she heard him on the stairs. Gathering the coat she had worn home, she shoved her arms into the sleeves just as he walked into the kitchen.
“Hey, there you are,” he said, looking sexy as hell.
“And there you are,” she sent him a tight smile.
“Do you want some breakfast? I was going to make bacon and eggs,” he said, opening the fridge.
“Ah no.” She zipped up the coat, “I need to get back to the inn. To finish cleaning up.”
“I’m sorry about last night. I was waylaid a few times.”
Obviously, she thought, but said instead, “That’s okay. I got home just fine.” Took her a little longer even using the short cut but it was what it was.
He set the carton of eggs on the counter. “No, it’s not. I promised you a ride home. Eat with me then I’ll take you over there. Please?”