Page 82 of Lane's Destiny
“Seriously? I don’t want to go down there.”
Desi chuckled. “Its fine. I’ll take them.” If she could help it herself, it would be the last time she did so. Besides she could type her resignation letter down there in peace. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 2:15 pm. “You ladies can take off now. I’ll do the rest.”
“We can?” Jasmine looked at Brit, “Did you still want to go to the fair?”
“What fair?” Desi asked.
“In the village.” Brit put her coat on then pulled her long hair out from under it. “There’s a fall fair going on. Did you want to come?”
It had been years since she’d been to one and would love to, but she would rather go home and cry in the bathtub after she handed her notice in. “No, you guys go have fun. I have a bunch of stuff to do at home.”
“All right then,” Brit looked at her with an understanding smile. “We’ll see you tomorrow?”
Desi shot her a sad smile back, “You will...”
“Good,” Brit winked at her. “Don’t be drinking too much wine.”
“How do you know she will be drinking wine?” Jasmine asked.
“Just you never mind,” Brit said, ushering her out the door.
Desi let out a sigh. She was going to miss those two when she was gone. She once wished they were like sisters and in the last few days working side by side, they felt like they were.
Shaking her head, she took the stacks of salad bowls and put them on a pushcart. Backing up towards the swinging door, she pulled it behind her into the hallway then wheeled it into the awaiting elevator. Securing the gate in front of her, she pushed the down button and heard someone calling her name. It was Lane. She didn’t say a word as it slowly lowered to the basement.
LANE WALKED DOWN THEhall to the front desk and saw his aunt standing behind the counter looking at invoices. “Where is she Aunt Kim?”
She looked at him above her reading glasses and said, “Who?”
“Desi. She said she was going to be here, and the kitchen is clean, so I know she is. I’ve been looking everywhere for her.”
Kim shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe she left already. I don’t keep tabs on the girls you know.”
Lane rubbed his forehead.
“What is it? Are you sick or something?”
“No, I’m not sick,” he said, looking at her. “I just need to talk to her...”
Kim looked past his shoulder and said, “Well there she is, talk away.”
Lane spun around and saw Desi walking into the room. The second he looked at her, he saw that her eyes were red and puffy; and knew she had been crying again. She stopped and looked up at him with a forced smile, then went around him to Kim.
She held out a sheet of paper, and said, “Here you go Kim. It’s my two weeks’ notice.”
Lane snatched it out of her hand and crumpled it in his fist. “Like hell it is, you’re not going anywhere.”
Kim stood there watching the exchange play out in front of her face. She was secretly rooting for Lane but was having serious doubts when she saw the look on Desi’s face. Leaning forward, she made herself as small as possible in hopes they would forget she was there. Propping her arm on the counter she rested her chin in her hand and held her breath.
“What the hell did you do that for?” Desi asked, pointing his chest with her finger. “And who do you think you are to tell me what to do?”
Lane looked over at Kim then took Desi by the arm. “Sorry Kim, you’re not getting a free show.”
“Ah shit! I’m rooting for you Lane!” she said, as they left the room.
“Let go of my arm.” Desi yanked free of his grasp, as he pulled her into the living room, off the front foyer. “What do you want from me Lane?” She glowered at him, crossing her arms over her chest.