Page 10 of Heaven and Hell
I remain quiet, undecided. Then, scrubbing the tears from my face and taking a deep breath, I step out from behind the tree. Our eyes meet in the dim moonlight filtering through the forest canopy.
“Noah, I—”
“Wait.” He interrupts, holding up his hand. “You don't have to explain. I've been living with the hope and dread of this moment, and now that it's here, I realize that you're still the person I cared about. No judgment.”
My eyes water, and I'm at a loss for words. Could it really be so simple? Could years of guilt, shame, and self-loathing be erased with a single moment of understanding?
“Come back with me,” he says, extending his hand.
I hesitate, looking at his outstretched hand as if it's a lifeline. Slowly, my fingers reach out, trembling, to grasp it.
For the first time in what feels like forever, I don't feel like I'm alone in my own personal hell.
“But —”
“No ‘buts’ Ava. I may have been in heaven for 10 years but every second of it was pure hell without you. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
A cynical laugh escapes past my lips. He might just change his mind once he finds out the real reason I was sent to hell. No time like the present to tell him. “Noah. I’m a witch. That’s why I was sent to the underworld. And why we can never be a couple again. So don’t get any thoughts about ‘us’.”
Noah looked at me, his eyes widening in disbelief, then narrowing as if questioning the weight of my words. “A witch? Are you serious? I mean, we've been through the afterlife, so magic doesn't sound completely absurd, but... you?”
I nod, watching the range of emotions crossing his face: disbelief, confusion, sadness, and finally, a glint of curiosity. “Yes, Noah. I practiced witchcraft when we were together, you just didn’t know.” Sighing heavily, I pushed myself away from the tree and started walking back to the cabin. Turning to look at him, I continued. “Which is a one-way ticket to the underworld, as you can imagine. Thankfully I won’t be returning to it.”
For a moment, Noah seemed lost in thought as he followed me.
“So, you're saying we can't be together because you're a witch? Is it because witches are forbidden from love, or...?”
How was I supposed to tell him that once our mission was over, that I got to stay in the land of the living, but he did not? That it was the only way God would agree to giving my life back.
“No, it's not about being forbidden from love. It's about the nature of my magic. Dark magic comes with a price, a curse if you will. Anyone who gets close to me will be drawn into the chaos and the darkness that follows me. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, even you.”
“Wait a minute.” He stops me by grabbing hold of my arm and swings me around to face him. “We never had darkness before, why now?” He squinted at me. “You’re lying.”
Just then, a swirl of black mist materialized beside us. Out of it stepped a figure dressed in elegant, dark robes. The air turned hotter, and a trail of melting snow followed him as he approached. It was Satan.
Taking a step forward, he said, “Tsk tsk my dear, Thanatos.”
“Don’t call me that.” I warned, glaring at my lord.
Ignoring me, he continued. “How come you never told me this little tidbit? Ah well—” a trail of flames fanned out as he waved a dismissive hand— “It’s neither here nor there. Obviously, your magic is strong enough to block my snoopy snout. But I couldn't help but overhear your little dilemma. What if I told you there might be a way to lift your curse, at a price?”
“No kidding.” Noah muttered.
“You don’t know the half of it boy.” Satan snapped than focused his gaze on me.
“Did you just call me boy?”
“Noah, kindly shut up.” I mutter.
“Yes Noah, shut up. Otherwise, when this is over, I’ll make a deal with our lord and saviour to haul your ass down with me.”
I close my eyes, wishing he hadn’t said that. And of course, Satan just had to pounce on it.
Giving Noah my most withering look, he clams up; I then glance back at the devil. “I'm listening.”
“The Fates have spun an intriguing web around you. I could intervene, perhaps unravel a string or two. But in return, I would require a service, something only a witch of your abilities can offer.”
My eyes narrowed. “In addition to killing off those who do evil. What sort of service?”