Page 16 of Heaven and Hell
Music to my ears! “Hmm you don’t say.” I sit back down and lean close to George. Giving him my most bewitching glance, I prop my arm onto the bar, resting my chin on my hand. “Who did he kill?”
George leaned close to me, and in a conspiratorial whisper said, “His cousin... after he raped her. Threw her body in a bush, didn’t even bother to bury her.”
“Sick fuck,” I said, snagging a handful of peanuts that were sitting in a bowl in front of him. Tossing them into my mouth, I chewed for a minute than asked. “Are you sure about this?”
“As sure as I’m sittin’ here. He left with her the night it happened. He didn’t see me walking home on the same road. He pulled over about a mile down the road onto a service road in the bush. I was thinking they were having motor problems but there was nothin’ wrong with his motor if you catch my drift.”
I nodded as I sucked my teeth. “The truck was a rocking, was it?”
“Oh, hell yeah. Rockin’ away and her screaming bloody murder. I ducked into the underbrush, so he didn’t see me, then all the sudden she stopped screaming. Next thing I know, he’s jumping down from the driver’s side, comes around to the back of the truck stuffing his cock back into his jeans. Goes to the passenger side, opens the door and she falls out. Eyes staring off at the heavens they were.” He shook his head at the memory and took a sip of his whiskey.
“Then what did he do?”
“Dragged her off into the bush. Was gone maybe five minutes then came back. Climbed up into his truck and hightailed it outta there. She was found three weeks later by some hunters.”
I looked over to where Duke stood, still pawing at the woman between his turn at the table. “Did you tell anyone?”
He shook his head. “No never, he would kill me if I did. His brother is a cop, and it would sure as shit get back to him. It was a secret I vowed to take to my grave.”
George started to visibly shake as it dawned on him that he told a stranger what he saw that night. I covered his hand with mine and gave it a squeeze. A warmth from his hand to mind, spread through my fingers into my hand. “Don’t worry George, I won’t tell a living soul. And for helping me, I give you a gift. A gift of wiping the memory forever from your mind.” My arm was hot by the time I got done stealing his secret from him. It was now mine to do what I wished with it.
A scream coming from the pool table area had us both turning in our seats. There Duke was, with his pants down around his waist as he held the woman down onto the pool table face first.
This time when I stood up, George put his hand on my arm. “Please missy, don’t go over there. He’s evil to the core.”
I looked down at George’s hand, forgetting what it felt like to be touched by a person. It was one thing when I did the touching, it was an entirely different feeling when the tables were turned. I looked him in his pleading eyes and smiled. “Don’t you worry about me George; I’ll take care of your worries for you.”
As I got up the bartender returned and hissed to George. “What the hell is she doing?”
I faintly heard him reply to her. “Going to get herself killed is what she’s doing.”
I made my way to the table and stopped at the opposite end from where Duke was trying to get his rut on. “Stand still you fuckin’ bitch,” he yelled, mashing the woman’s head hard against the table.
“Wellll, looky here Duke, we have us some fresh meat.”
I glanced over to see his lookout, who was doing a piss poor job of it I might add, lick his fat greasy lips as he rubbed his crotch.
I leaned forward taking a discarded pool cue from the table and tapped Duke on the head with it. “Mind letting her go?”
“Who the fuck are you?” He glared at me before turning his gaze to his crony. “Do something with her will ya?”
“Gladly.” He came around the table towards me until I pointed the stick in the center of his chest. “If I were you, Dave.” I sneered. “I’d remove myself from this fine establishment... unless you want to join in the ugly?” I raised a brow at him as a warning fire leapt into my eyes.
Some would question why I gave him that warning. It was simple, my beef wasn’t with him. I could tell from the second I saw him he was nothing more than a follower, doing Duke’s bidding. Not because he wanted to but because like most in the bar, they feared him.
“How... how did you know my name?”
I sighed heavily. “Is that all you’re concerned with right now?”
He puffed his chest out, apparently taking my question as an offence instead of the thinly veiled warning I just gave him. Leaning against the cue stick poking into his chest, he snarled, “How did you know my name?”
Lifting the stick, I rested it on my shoulder, weighing my options. Currently he was my biggest problem and apparently wanted to show off. “You poor foolish man.” I laughed in his face and said, “The reaper knows all.” Swinging the cue like I was knocking one out of a ballpark it cracked against his skull. He went down more from the shock than the blow, and I turned my attention and the broken stick onto Duke.
He shoved the woman away from him as he struggled yanking his pants back up. Grabbing a nearby bottle, he smashed it against the table and held the jagged bottle in my direction.
I grinned. “You think that’s honestly going to stop me?”
“No... but they will.” He jerked his chin and as if by magic or like puppets on a string, seven men gathered around him. “Get ‘er boys.”