Page 2 of Heaven and Hell
He growled as he filed his nails. “Don’t get smart with me and yes I did.” He looks at his fingertips and blows on them.
He glances up at me. “I need you to go to the cabin.”
I shake my head. “No. I told you the last time, I’m done going back up there.”
“Even if it meant your freedom? Your life?”
What was he talking about? I had no life or freedom I only had his bidding.“I’m listening...”
Satan leaned down and like he’s planning a conspiracy, quietly said, “I normally wouldn’t do this, especially for someone who is so special to me, but...” He hissed and then in a rush like it hurt him to say. “I’ll give you back your life”—he rolled his eyes— “on the surface.”
“Only if I can take Bones.” Bones was my Doberman from when I was a kid. How he ended up here instead of going to Heaven like all animals do, was another mystery that would never be solved.
He sighed and rolled his eyes again. “Fine.”
“When do I leave?”
“Right now.”
I started to turn around to head to my quarters for a change of clothes and my dog when he continued.
“Head to the cabin. I’ll send you directions once you arrive. Oh, and Ava....”
I stopped; head bowed listening.
“You’re going to have weapons. Weapons with powers that are lethal, use them at will and as you see fit...but do be careful.”
I looked at him and nodded my understanding.
“One more thing... if I had a daughter, I would want her to be just like you.” He wiped a tear from his eye, then snarled, “NOW GET OUT OF HERE!”
He didn’t have to tell me twice. This time when I went through the halls, I didn’t greet anyone despite feeling the envy of their eyes on me as I passed. They knew I was about to gain my freedom, but at what cost...
Truth be told I wasn’t sure that I wanted to return to the surface, I was comfortable living for eternity in the depths of Hell. To be frank, the last time I was on the surface it was ten times worse than any day down here.
Pushing the door open to my quarters, Bones jumped off the sofa and greeted me with a lolling tongue. “Guess what boy, we are heading to the surface.”
He let out a whine followed by a howl of excitement.
I found his excitement had me feeling the same way when I turned and headed to my closet with a spring in my step. I hated going to the cabin in Jackson Hole in the middle of the winter, so I snatched a black thermal catsuit and overcoat from their hangers and quickly changed. Taking a harness from the hook, I untangled it as I stepped into a pair of knee-high winter boots and zipped them up.
I looked down at the dog sitting so patiently beside me. “Are you ready to go?”
Bones shot off like a bat in the proverbial Hell that we were in and headed towards the hatch that would bring us to the surface. Folding the overcoat over my arm, I followed him at a more leisurely pace, stopping just short of him.
Bending to one knee, I tapped my back. “Get on boy.”
He leaped on, settled himself piggyback style and I secured the harness around him before looping my arms through it. I pulled it tight then snapped the buckle into place across my chest. Whipping the overcoat free of my arm, it ballooned around us before settling in place. It was a tight squeeze, but we would manage I decided as I slipped my arms in and zipped it up.
“Okay Bones, we are outta here!” Placing a foot on the bottom rung of the ladder, we slowly made the accent to the land of the living.