Page 21 of Heaven and Hell
I hear him groan as the zipper slides down, exposing my skin as it goes.
Gruffly he replies, “You’re done.” And I step away holding the front of my catsuit to my chest as my eyes drop to the bulge in his pants.
Ignoring it, I continued where I left off. “I did it because that day I met the evil that my mother wrote of... what she feared the most. The man hit me because I looked so much like her and vowed to end me the same way he did her.”
Noah’s eyes darkened. “What man?”
I took the catsuit off, letting it drop to the floor and stood for a second looking at him, standing in my bra and underwear. Turning back to the bed, I pulled the blankets back and slipped between the sheets. Laying my head on the pillow I looked at him. His eyes were burning with desire and in one blink it was gone. Good, he was getting control over his lust.
“Who?” He came over to the bed and kneeled beside it. I propped my arm up and leaned my head against my hand. He reached out and cupped my face, his thumb trailing softly along the skin of the eye that had been blackened so long ago. “Who was it that hit you, Ava? I need to know so I know who to kill.”
Turning my face into his hand, I placed a soft kiss in the middle of his palm before looking back at him. “When I agreed to become Satan’s... helper, he was the first one that I went after. My first kill was of the man that fathered me.”
Chapter 11
SUNLIGHT STREAMED INthrough a crack in the curtains, piercing into my eye. Turning away, I slid my hand across the mattress under what I dubbed the great wall of China, hoping to bump into Ava’s warm body. After she told me that she’d killed her father, she promptly built a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed and that’s the way we slept.
Sitting up, I looked to the table to see if she was there and found Bones sitting in a chair staring at me. “What are you looking at?” I mumbled to the dog.
He perked his ears up then jumped down, trotting to the bathroom door just as it banged open to reveal a swirling swampland, and in the middle of it stood Ava.
“Noah! Take this,” she yelled, holding out a rolled-up piece of parchment.
“What the fuck!” I jumped up in my tighty whities and lunged at her outstretch hand like a wide receiver catching a football. I don’t know why, but I felt the urgency in her voice and from what was going on in the bathroom, it looked like she was going to be sucked back into that realm. Clearly that paper was important for our mission.
Snatching it out of her hand I landed on my side with a thud. Scurrying onto my back, I watched as Bones bit down on her hand and started tugging, backing his ass backwards into the room. Tossing the parchment aside, I grab onto her arm and pull. Whatever is holding onto her isn’t planning on letting go.
“Hang on baby, I got you.” I take hold of both of her forearms and brace my feet against the door frame. “Ready?”
She nods as a look of pain etches on her beautiful face.
I throw all my weight backwards, and with a suctioning sound, whatever has a hold of her lets her go and the door slams shut.