Page 23 of Heaven and Hell
“The Northwest Territories.”
“That’s not warm... That’s Canada.”
“Yup you’re right. And we need to get there fast.” Getting up, she goes over to the bureau and starts packing her bag. “Gather up your stuff. We leave in fifteen.”
In a matter of minutes, I’m all packed up and ready to go when I say, “I don’t think the horse and jackass are going to make it that far.”
She’s standing over by the table looking at the map, then rolls it up before tucking it inside of her cape. “They’re already back in Hell,” she says as she walks over to the door and opens it. “We will be driving that.”
A sleek, all black Land Rover is parked in front of us, and I look at her.
“How... how did you—”
She tosses me the key fob and it bounces off my face, into the snow.
Laughing, she says, “One of the many perks of personally knowing Satan. Are you okay to drive?”
I retrieve the fob, red in the face and say, “Yes. I just wasn’t expecting you to throw stuff at me.”
“Yeah, okay. You’re going to need to work on your reaction time if you’re coming with me,” she says opening the back door to dump her bag into the back seat. She lets out an ear-splitting whistle and Bones bounds out of the room and into the back seat.
I take a moment to collect my thoughts. Slowly reaching for the doorknob and pulling the door closed of the room, thinking about what she said. Did I want to go with her? Yes, I would go to the ends of the earth for her. But did I want to be a party to her annihilation of all that’s evil when she worked for the most feared entity of humankind? That’s the part I was having a hard time wrapping my head around. It was wrong to kill, but was it wrong to kill evil? Even if they were human. I shook my head. It didn’t matter. The truth was, if she asked me to drink molten lava, I’d ask her how much with a grin on my face. With that, I got into the driver’s seat and buckled up.
She leaned close to me as I started the engine and said, “Don’t worry, I’d never ask you to drink lava.”
“Jezus Christ! You can read minds too?!”
“Only when they’re in turmoil.” She laid her hand on mine. “You don’t have to do this Noah. I’m used to working alone.”
I took the chance and turned my hand over, palm to her palm and laced my fingers with hers.
She didn’t pull away. “I’m not going anywhere,” I said, squeezing her hand. “I can’t make you love me again; I just want to be in your presence. If nothing comes out of it, so be it. But I lost you once, I’m not going to again.”
Chapter 12