Page 25 of Heaven and Hell
Both whipped around at the sound of my voice. Bones bounded over, greeting me with an excited yip then promptly jumped into the car where it was warm.
And Noah stood up, scratching his head. “We were... ah, never mind.... Where did you go?
“Give me your hand,” I said, holding mine out.
Without a word he placed his in mine and said I slipped it on his finger, “To get this. It’s a protection stone against all evil.”
“Even Satan,” he asked with a grin.
“Especially Satan. It was his.” I didn’t dare tell him that he’d made a deal with the devil the second he used that card. He didn’t need to know.
“You stole the ring from him?” He laughed.
“Right off his finger.” Dropping his hand, I rubbed the palm of mine down my leg, trying to erase the burn I felt the second I took his. “Okay, I’m heading into the store now. Did you get everything you need?” I ducked inside the vehicle and snatched up the credit card then looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was peering into the darkness at the edge of the building.
“What is that?” he asked, squinting.
I looked to where he was staring and knew before I even saw it that it was the dark wolf that always followed me on every mission. Satan himself didn’t know where this wolf came from, or so he claimed. But whenever it did appear, it was always a warning to be prepared. Slowly, I walked towards it. Her amber colored eyes followed me with every step. And as I kneeled before her, hand outstretched, she bowed her head and sniffed it. When she and I were both comfortable she licked my hand in way of greeting. I reached around and stroked her fur before settling my hand on her head. Connecting with her, I knew exactly what it was I needed to prepare for.
“Ava, what are you thinking, get back here! It’s gonna bite you!”
Ignoring him, I looked the majestic creature in the eyes and thanked her, like I had always done before she turned and trotted off.
I stood and looked at Noah. “Come on, we need to go shopping.”
“Shopping in a gas station convenience store?”
“Yes. I have no idea where we are going. But when that wolf shows up, I listen.”
We headed into the store, and I went straight for the washroom to do my business while Noah stood around, trying not to look like he was about to rob the place. Which we weren’t’ after all I had the credit card, but we were about to clear the place out.
Once done, I went up to the counter and looked at the female clerk who looked to be no older than twenty. “Do you have any boxes or garbage bags, several of them?”
She crouched down behind the counter, rooting through a cupboard. Peeking over it she said, “I have industrial sized bags, will that work?”
I nodded. “That’ll do.”
She slapped a fistful onto the counter, and I snagged them up. “Add the cost of these to my order,” I said as I headed over to where Noah stood.
I held one back and handed the rest to him. “Here, stuff these in your pockets.”
“What are you doing?” he asked, doing what I told him to.
“We are taking everything.” Crooking a finger at him, I walked over to the bread isle and started filling the bag. “Medical supplies, baby items, food, drinks. Whatever we can fit in these bags, we are taking.”
“Why? You know what. Never mind I trust you. Fill er up,” he said, holding open the bag.