Page 29 of Heaven and Hell
IKNEW I SHOULDN’Thave kissed him. I knew what would happen if I gave in. How I would want to keep feeling his hair as I ran my fingers through it and how his hands felt when he settled them on the curve of my ass cheeks to hike me close. How it would feel with his dick, swollen with anticipation as he ground his hips against mine. God, I missed every inch of his glorious body and for one brief moment as we stood there locking lips, it was all mine. He was all mine.
But when I had seen his reaction over the elderly couple, I knew he was thinking of what could have been between us. And I did too, and I wanted more of him. I wanted to feel him between my thighs, thrusting deep inside me as his hands played with my nipples and his tongue tangled with mine.
“This hotel okay for the night?” he asked, as one came into view. It was a fancy place and for it being in a small town the parking lot was packed. “If there’s a room that is.”
“Sure,” I nodded quietly. Trying to collect my thoughts as we pulled into the driveway, I readied myself to get out and go pay for the room.
When the car stopped, he took hold of my arm. “Ask to see if they have two beds.”
I squinted and looked at him. “What—”
“Not for me. I like sleeping in the same bed as you. But for you. I know what happened... back there wasn’t intentional.”
I set my mouth in a grim line. I had to otherwise I would have started crying. “Right.” I nodded and got out, slamming the door behind me. “To hell with it,” I muttered as I pushed open the door.
“Did you say something?” The desk clerk looked up as the door closed behind me.
“Ah no. I would like a room for the night though,” I said, drumming my nails on the counter.
“Sure thing. One or two beds?”
“Does the one bed have a sofa by chance?”
The clerk tapped a few keys on a keyboard as he looked at a monitor and nodded. “It sure does. Also comes with a complimentary breakfast, it starts at 5 am sharp until 10 am.”
“Sign me up.” I toss the credit card onto the counter and wait for him to finish up. “What’s with the full parking lot, is there a convention in town or something?’
“Oh no, that’s just a developer bringing in a bunch of rich people to invest.”
My interest was piqued. “Invest in what?”
“Well, I’m really not supposed to say anything but he’s an asshole. On the other side of town, he owns a subdivision. Kicked out all the tenants because he wanted to level it and start mining for gold. Do you know what’s gonna happen to this town if he does that?”
I nod. “I’m familiar with it yes.” Gold mining isn’t what it used to be with a pick and hammer. Today, it destroyed everything for miles.
“Yeah, well this town will be gone if that happens.” He slid the paper over to me and tossed a pen onto it. “And from what I’ve heard it’s going to.
“What happened to the tenants he kicked out?” I already knew what happened to them as I had just taken care of them, but I needed to hear it.
“They moved to Edamame bush off highway 71”—he shook his head—” poor bastards are likely all frozen to death by now.”
I signed and slid the paper back to him. “Well, you know miracles do happen everyday. I’m sure they will be taken care of. Maybe the government will step in and help?”
“Pfft, are you kidding me? The government doesn’t care. The politician’s pockets have already been lined. No, their best hope is that the reaper comes for them and soon.”
I looked at him, studying his face. Did he know who I was? Or was he just a young man with a very bleak outlook on life. I thought I would test him on it.
“Why would you say that? Don’t they have a right to life?”
“Oh absolutely, but most of them are low income, working three to four jobs just to put food on the table.” He jabbed a finger into his chest, then leaned his arms on the counter. “I’m one of them.”
I could tell I was in for an earful. This guy needed to vent.
I spied a dish of Werther’s candies by the computer monitor and snagged one, unwrapping it, I popped it in my mouth and stood waiting for him to continue. It didn’t take him long.