Page 31 of Heaven and Hell
He leaned back and started to laugh. “What is this, is there a hidden camera on you?”
“I can’t change the world for everyone, but I can change your world. Noah... now.”
Noah started strumming the strings and Peter went into a daze. When he started to go limp, I jumped over the counter and eased him to the floor.
I looked over the counter at Noah. “You can stop now.”
“Are you gonna wave your hand around the room again and go back in time?” Noah asked.
“No need. There’s no mess to clean. When he wakes up, he’ll think it was all a dream.” I hiked myself up on to the counter, spun on my butt and dropped to the floor.
“Come on.” I pushed open the door and stepped outside. Scanning our surrounding, I saw the unmistakable neon golden arches across the street. “Let’s go get some Mc’D’s. I have a hankering for a milkshake.”
Chapter 15
AFTER DUMPING OUR STUFFinto the room and using the belt off a robe as a makeshift leash for Bones, we set off across the street to McDonalds.
As we walk, I look over at Ava and say, “Just out of curiosity, how and how much money did you give Peter?”
She snorted out a chuckle. “When I insisted that he charge me for the room deposit the second he touched my card, the lottery ticket he had in his wallet turned him into an instant millionaire... time seven.”
“That easy huh?”
She nodded. “For me, yeah.” She looked at me then and stopped walking. “What?”
I pull up beside her and shake my head. “You just... are special and I don’t think I ever really understood how special you were... until now.”
Tears spring to her eyes, and I’m unable to resist her. If I didn’t know better, I would say she was bewitching me, but I knew that was the furthest thing from her mind. This time, I kissed her. Her lips feathered against mine and I felt my blood explode through my veins. For once, she dropped her guard, and I knew that if we were back in the room, she would have her way with me. But we weren’t and she needed food.
“C’mon, let’s get you some sustenance.” I take her by the hand and lead the way through the parking lot to the restaurant. “If you want to go inside, I’ll wait here with Bones.”
“Sure.” Reaching for the handle, she looks back at me. “What do you want?”