Page 37 of Heaven and Hell
Little bits of muffin spewed out of his mouth as he talked, and I heard Ava giggle beside me as she waved her hand.
Those little bits flew right back into this mouth.
“Good to the last drop huh?” I laughed.
She squeezed my knee, reminding me to pay attention.
An older man with a comb over was looking at his phone. “I don’t think so, not with the way your company stocks are plummeting.”
“What?!” D. K, roared. He snapped his fingers at the man that was sitting beside him. “Gary... or Greg... er, what ever theHELLyour name is, pull up the finance reports now!” He snatched the phone from the man and shook his head as sweat beaded on his forehead. “This is wrong, it can’t be right. What the hell is going on?”
A man with glasses on who was looking at his phone, pulled them off his face and spoke, “Our company doesn’t do dealings with those that put the almighty dollar before a human life. We are most definitely out.” He gathered a leather-bound folder and stood. “Come on team, it’s time we left.”
Six people gathered their belongings and followed the bespeckled man out of the dining room and I suddenly felt like eating a bucket of popcorn.
“What the hell is he talking about?!” D. K. swiped his brow, as his eyes went wide. Shaking it off, he looked to a younger man, who was quietly conversing with three others. “Kingston, what about you. Are you in?” he grinned. “I know I can always count on you, my friend.”
Kingston looked at D.K. and I was mildly shocked to hear a British accent come out of his mouth. “Are you daft man? You don’t evict a whole subdivision filled with families and not provide for them. You just left them to their own defences living in a tented city, in the middle of the fucking winter? Your stocks are falling because people are selling them off.” He laughed, then hiked himself in his chair and crossed his leg over the other. “You’re going bankrupt man, and I can’t say you don’t deserve it.”
I didn’t think D. K. could get any whiter but he did when the realization that what he had done to those people of the tent city had hit the news.
Ava stood up beside me and without a word to her I watched as she made her way over to the table to stand beside D. K.
“What the hell do you want?” He snarled, looking down at her. I got up, knowing that look he had on his face. I grabbed his arm just as he started to swing it down. With deadly calm I said, “Don’t youfuckingtouch her.”
What happened next was... unexpected. All hell broke loose as his goons stood up and surrounded us. All but the one who had gave up his place in line for Ava showed us their weapons under their jackets.
I knew she could handle all of them, that wasn’t a problem. But, back in the bar I had put them to sleep with my strumming skills. I didn’t have my bow; it was back in the room. What was I supposed to strum, my dick? Somehow, I don’t think that would have the same effect. “Ah, honey... what do you want me to do?” I asked, ready to fight to the death to protect her.
Reaching into the back of the neckline of her cape, she said, “Remember where you came from and who sent you here Noah. You have more power than you realize.” With that, she pulled out the staff then pushed me away from her.
“But I don’t have my bow!”
She laughed. “The bow has no magic. I just liked watching you look like a fool standing there thinking that it did.” And with one backwards glance at me she grinned. “You will be fine. Oh, and I love you more than you will ever know.” And with that she banged the tip of her staff onto the floor and both her and D. K. Stirling disappeared.
Panic set in, the fear of not knowing where she was squeezed my chest, tight. I knew the only way I would be able to find her was to beat the ever-living crap out of the five men that stood around me.
“Come on.” I wiggled my fingers at the guy standing in front of me. I wasn’t surprised when he pulled his gun out and aimed it at me. What did surprise me was that I grabbed it right out of his hand and squeezed it in my hand. Pulverizing it in my palm. I don’t know who was more shocked, him or me. He recovered rather quickly however with a swing of his fist aimed at my chin. I ducked before he connected and came up with a blow to his gut. He went down, upchucking his breakfast along the way.
Feeling confident I laid the others on the ground where they all were currently taking a nap. The only one still standing was the blonde guy from earlier.
He looked at me and I looked at him, staring each other down. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, “I won’t fight you; my boss is an asshole and wherever your girlfriend took him. I’m sure it’s well deserved.”
I didn’t know how to respond, finally I said, “You’re right.” Then we both slowly turned around I headed back to our table to wait for Ava’s return, and he left the building through a side door.