Page 42 of Heaven and Hell
“We don’t want to use its power for our whims,” I replied. I could feel my magic building within me with every second that ticked by something that had never happened before. “It's to keep the evil ones of mankind where they belong, in hell and to bring harmony to earth once again."
I didn't know if that was true, but it sounded feasible.
“Harmony?” The image mocked. “Such a concept is futile. But if you think you can take it from me, then have at it...”
Without warning, the shadows lunged at us. But I was no ordinary opponent that they were expecting. With a wave of my hand, bolts of dark energy burst forth, and several of them fell to the ground. Noah tackled three, his strength evident in each movement and I couldn’t want him more in that moment if I tried.
But as every shadow fell, two more took its place. Even with my powers, the odds were turning against us.
Suddenly, the unmistakable roar of our Land Rover echoed through the hills, and I looked to see It speeding towards us with Bones at the wheel. He plowed right into the advancing shadows, stopping twenty feet away. Noah and I shared a glance and nodded at one another; it was our only chance.
Drawing upon my magic, I sent a binding spell toward the shadow leader, freezing him on the spot, I reached out and commanded the Hellwardens Shard to come to me. It flew directly into my outstretched hand, its reddish hue glowing even brighter against my skin. And it had me wondering if I was the evil one.
“Get to the Rover!” Noah shouted.
We bolted to our vehicle, and as we left the shadows and their stunned leader behind, I could feel the power of the shard tingling in my grip. The hills became a blur as we sped away and with my last bit of energy, I opened the portal to hell.
“That was a close one,” Noah remarked, casting a sideways glance my way as we skidded down the halls of Satan’s lair.
I blew out my breath as the car came to a stop. “Too close. Bones, come.” I patted the center console, and he perched his front legs on it. I started praising Bones telling him he was such a good boy for staying in the car.
“I never knew he could drive,” Noah said.
I slowly looked at him and burst out laughing. “He wasn’t he just so happened to be sitting in the driver’s seat.”
“Oh.” He chuckled. “I thought it was him coming to the rescue.”
Satan came running up with his new pet in tow who now wore a muzzle. “You’re late!” He roared looking straight at me.
I glanced at the clock on the dash to see that it read 12:02 am, we were late by two minutes.
He advanced on Noah’s side of the car. “Boy, welcome to your new home,” he said through the closed window.
“Yeah, I don’t think so Satan,” I said, shaking my head as I got out of the car. “You lied about the purpose of the artifact. I bet you don’t even know what it is. Hmm?”
He looked a bit bent out of shape and said, “Of course I do! It’s a... sigil. A seal to keep those here.”
I circled around the front of the SUV to stand in front of him. “Liar. You haven’t even got a clue what it’s true purpose is.”
“It doesn’t matter missy. You make a deal with the devil, it’s a done deal. Noah stays, he can join my pet collection.”
Satan reached for the door handle of the Land Rover then snatched his hand back, howling with pain. “What...what the hell is that?” he yelled.
“A protection spell, against you! He comes back to the surface with me, or I will take God up on his offer and relieve you of your services.”
“Fine!” He wiggled his fingers in the air. “Have it your way, but the second your guard is down I’ll release my worse demons upon the earth, and I will have him down here. It’s just a matter of time.”
That comforting feeling that I had the time I’d taken his ring from him was back. God had returned.
“You will do no such thing Lucifer,” God said.
Satan rolled his eyes and made a face. “It’s you again. You know I hate it when you come into my domain unannounced.”
“Yes well, the feeling is mutual. Now that Ava has eradicated some of the evil, she will be returning to the surface with the Hellwardens Shard ring upon her finger.” Everyone heard the gasp slip past Satan’s lips. “Yes, it’s a ring. Ava, as promised, I give you your life back, as well as Noah’s. That ring will take care of evil wherever you go in the world. You will no longer be doing Lucifer’s bidding, and you will return with the love of your life at your side.”
Satan snarled. “But they were late by two minutes, the deal was midnight.”
God turned towards Satan and stared down his nose at him. “And you rigged the time. It is now just midnight in heaven.”