Page 34 of Secret Desire
I had to be imagining it. No way was she feeling what I was feeling. My hormones must be scrambling my brain.
She tilted her head and slightly raised her chin.
Was she pouting her lips? My dick strained in my pants and my body wanted to pin her against the car and claim her lips. “Drive safe and have a good weekend.” I forced myself to take a step back.
This was all in my head. I wanted it so desperately that I was imagining I saw desire in her eyes too. I turned and retreated to the safety of the sidewalk as I waited for her to get in her car.
She stared at me, looking stunned. “It’s so late. Why don’t I drive you back to the office?”
No way was I getting into her car. I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I had never yearned for someone so strongly before. What the fuck was happening to me? “No. I’ll be fine.” I would need to spend the weekend at the gym to work off this pent-up…energy. “Go,” I said, almost growling like a pathetic caveman.
Fanning her cheeks, even though it was about zero degrees out, she looked at the ground as if she was searching for something. “Yeah, probably a good idea,” she said so softly I almost didn’t hear it.
Just your imagination, Steven. Stop thinking she’s as hot for you as you are for her. She got into her car and drove away. I watched until she was too far away for me to make out her car.
John was waiting for me in the hall, arms folded over his chest. “What. The. Hell. Steven?”
I walked past him as if he wasn’t there, refusing to let him ruin the fuzzy feelings from the last couple of hours with Laura, but he followed me into my office and closed the door.
“I’m busy, John. Get out.”
“Oh,nowyou’re busy, but you had time to walk that chick to—”
“To walk the intern to—”
“Her name is Laura.”
“I don’t give a shit. Are you sleeping with her?”
“What? No! Don’t even fucking say something like that in here.” I glanced at the door and listened for anyone in the hall who might have overheard.
“I had Andrew hire a new kid to escort the women to the trains or their cars. You’re going to stop now. Right?”
I shuffled some papers on my desk, hoping he’d leave if I ignored him. I didn’t want him bringing me back to reality. I didn’t want to face the fact that what I was doing with Laura was dangerous to my career. And hers.
John collapsed into a chair, facing me. “Steven, talk to me, buddy. What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing. Go back to work.”
“If the chair finds out about this—”
“There is nothing to find out.” I sighed and leaned back in my chair, knowing fully well John wouldn’t leave until we had this talk. “I’m not sleeping with her. Or dating her.”
“Then why her? She’s your intern. Choose someone else. Anyone else.”
“I don’t know. I…can’t help it. I think I want to be with her. I don’t want anyone else.”
“Then fire her,thendate her.”
I slammed my fist on my desk. “No way! Never. This internship is her dream. It’ll catapult her career. I would never ruin that for her. How dare you even suggest it?” She would hate me. I heard her say the same to that Kenny guy the other day. She didn’t want any man in her life. Her career was her life.
She didn’t want me.
John pinched the bridge of his nose and softened his tone. “We need you more than we need her. I won’t risk our business or your career for her.”
“You won’t risk anything because you’ll keep your mouth shut. And you won’t do anything to Laura.” I pointed my finger at him. “Do you understand?”