Page 7 of Secret Desire
“What did you call me?” He slammed his fist into the table, his walrus mustache bristling, his beady eyes narrowing at me. “I’ve had enough of your behavior.” The chair’s voice sounded like grunts and bellows. “You’re easily replaceable.”
Replaceable, my ass. I was the best in the business on this side of the ocean. If he fired me, he’d be in big shit. He couldn’t risk losing me to the competition. “You think—”
“Mr. Wallis,” John cut me off, his fingers digging into my arm. “What Steven was trying to say was that not only do the numbers show the potential for exponential growth, but if we pass up on this merger, our competitors will step in. If they join forces, they’ll beat us in the market. On top of that…”
John droned on, using his diplomatic tone to lull the chair, but I couldn’t concentrate on the meeting.
I yanked my arm away and checked my phone again. A text from Dr. Lewis finally appeared. He surmised it was probably fatigue, but he would keep Aunt Mable in for the day and run a series of tests to rule out everything else. She was in excellent hands. He was the best in Manhattan. I only ever chose the best.
Some of the tension I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in my shoulders eased as I reread his text three times. Aunt Mable would be fine. I’d make sure of it. I couldn’t lose her too.
John followed me into my office and slammed the door. “Why, Steven? Why? You couldn’t keep the insults to yourself for one hour? Just one fucking hour. He already tried to get you voted out last year. He wants you gone. Do you have to keep pushing his buttons?”
I sank into my favorite lounge chair, my thumb running over the cool studs as my fingers caressed the plush leather. Something about the contrast always helped me relax. “The board will never get rid of me. I make them too much money.”
John paced behind me. “Fuck, Steven. That won’t save you. I heard the chair is already looking for your replacement.”
I glanced at the adjoining door, the one to the intern’s office. Was Laura there?
Laura? I shouldn’t be calling her by her first name. Keep it professional, Steven.
The door was closed, but it wasn’t soundproof. “Keep your voice down, John. And for fuck’s sake, don’t pace behind me like that.”
John sat on the edge of the chair facing me and looked over at the door. “Since when do you care if your intern hears us arguing?”
I didn’t. Usually. But I didn’t want to frighten this one away. Finally, an intern worthy of my mentorship. I’d rather be talking with her right now. “I have work to do. Get out.”
John sighed, his anger melting away. “Fine. But I saved the day again. You’re welcome, by the way.” He stood up and put on a show of bowing as if he were receiving a standing ovation for saving the deal. “Now we can get started on the merger.”
My hand hovered over the brass doorknob of our adjoining door. For the first time in my career as a CFO, I wondered if I should knock before entering. I had often stormed in, trying to catch the previous interns goofing off on the job.
But, judging by her impressive bio, I had a feeling this intern would never do that. John had been hesitant to choose her because it had taken her eight years to finish her degree, but John had ignored the rest of her resume.
I had dug deeper. I always did. This job was too important, so I had hired the best detective in the state to find out everything about the candidate before deciding to hire her.
All those jobs. That’s what I had found impressive. Few people were capable of getting honors and top grades while holding down three jobs.
Being raised by a single parent too ill to work, Ms. Bloom had worked harder than most people could ever imagine. She had taken care of her sick mother until she passed away when Ms. Bloom was only 16. Forced to become an adult at such a young age and fend for herself, she had worked her way through college and succeeded.
She knew the value of honest hard work, and I was sure she had the discipline to handle this job. Not like those other honors kids with rich dads paying for their every need and maids making them snacks so they could study through the night.
I had a feeling she would keep impressing me with her brilliant mind and strong work ethic. And I was looking forward to it.
I rapped my knuckles on the polished wood door, then entered the tiny, windowless office. Two short steps and I was at her desk, only inches away from her.
She sat in her chair, reading the book, her lush curls hanging loosely over her face. I wondered how soft they were. My hand stretched as I imagined running my fingers through those curls.
I cleared my throat to announce my presence.
She was still reading. Had she not heard me? “Ms. Bloom.”
“Gaahhh!” Her head snapped up, and she dropped the book.
I resisted a smile. I’d never met anyone so engrossed in a book on derivatives to the point of blocking out all outside noises. It was refreshing. And adorable.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Cox.” She grabbed her pen and notebook and looked up at me expectantly with her beautiful brown eyes.
I cleared my throat, but this time to shake away the image of her eyes looking up at me while she did something else to me. “Do you have everything you need?”