Page 123 of Imperfect Love
“Well, you went from frowning to staring at my lips. I need to look nice for your mother and Ted.”
My frown returns. “I don’t know why we have to go out.”
“Because your mother wants to talk work with me.”
“How do you know that?”
“She texted me.”
“When I was getting ready. It was right after I told her that her son knows exactly how to rock a woman’s world, and yes, that rumor about hands and dick size is true.”
My eyes widen. She laughs.
“The look on your face.” She’s giggling so hard she bends over at the waist.
I want to be mad at the teasing, but I can’t. She’s so happy, and while she’s always making jokes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh like this. I rise out of my chair and approach her, backing her up against the wall.
“You think you’re pretty funny?”
She smiles up at me as she slides her hands up my arms to my shoulders. My cock hardens. Fuck.
“Yeah. I’m hilarious.”
I lean down to kiss her. I meant it to be just a simple kiss, a brush of my lips against hers. She makes a little mewling sound, and I lose control again. Then she makes another sound.
“You’re going to mess up my lipstick.”
Hmm. I lean down and attack her neck. There is something so addictive about her skin. Soft and fragrant. She shivers against me.
“We can be late,” I say against her neck.
“We can’t.”
I sigh and pull back but keep my hands on her waist. “Fine.”
She smiles and pats my face. “I’ll make it up to you, promise.”
After she explains to the cats where we are going, we head out. It’s a nice day, balmy for October in Texas. As we ride into town, Avery settles back in the seat and looks out the window.
“Is something wrong?”
She looks over at me with a frown. “Why would you ask that?”
“You’re quiet.” Too quiet. I think the only time I have ever seen her this still, and quiet was while she was sleeping last night. And yes, I was a creeper and stared while she slept. I just couldn’t help myself.
She shrugs and offers me a small smile. “I feel settled. Not sure what that’s about. Maybe Juniper is going to become my permanent home.”
That leaves me unsettled. Why would she live here? She likes to travel. She’s mentioned she has a trip to Hawaii planned. I don’t say anything because I never do well with messy conversations, like, come live with me forever in my big, stupid, cold house in Highland Park.
Odd, I’ve never thought of my house as cold. Granted, I rarely thought about it, except it’s where I slept. And I didn’t even furnish it. I paid someone. Besides my computer and pictures, most of it was picked out by someone who barely knew me.
I pull into a parking spot next to what looks like Ted’s SUV. As we step out of the car, I feel as if everyone is looking at us. Avery meets me on the sidewalk.
“Hey, what’s up, buttercup?”