Page 136 of Imperfect Love
“The door has a habit of not completely closing unless you slam it.”
“I tested it, Jon.”
He nods, but I can tell he’s questioning me. I look at Josh.
“I don’t want to have to call Estella about this,” I say.
He sighs. “She probably already knows. It hit the Juniper Springs Express already.”
“Ugh, it is the one time I don’t like JSE.”
“This is the one time?” Josh asks, his tone skeptical.
“Yes. I love it normally, but I don’t want Estella worrying.”
“She won’t worry much,” Jon says as his phone rings. He rolls his eyes. “Okay, she lives to prove me wrong.”
He steps away to take the phone call as I continue to talk to Josh. My phone vibrates, and I pull it out.
Liv:What is going on over there?
Me: The door to the house was open when we got back from dinner.
Liv:Come over here. I’ll keep you safe.
Me:I can take care of myself.
I pride myself on that.
Liv:I know, but you don’t have to.
My sisters drive me a little crazy sometimes, but damn if they aren’t the best sisters in the world.
Me:I’m fine. And Josh is staring at me like I’m annoying him.
“Finished telling people about this?”
I frown. “My sister was worried.”
“Sorry. I’m so used to people getting on that damned app to tell everyone what just happened.”
“I can imagine, but no. Liv saw what happened on the JSE and was worried. Like I can’t take care of myself.”
Josh’s gaze flicked to Jon. “I have a feeling you don’t have to worry about safety. Howard can take care of you.”
“I’m an adult who can take care of herself. I also have attack cats.”
“Really? Do you doubt them? You’re afraid of Meredith.”
“I am not.”
I snort. He gave my cat a wide berth when he showed up.
I glance over at Jon, who is watching us while talking on the phone. He has a weird look on his face. That intense look sends a wave of heat coursing through my veins. I’ll have to ask him about it later.
“Hey, O’Bryan, you said you had an idea of who this might be.”