Page 151 of Imperfect Love
My entire body freezes for a second, then joy bounces through me. I know we said it earlier, but it’s more precious the second time. “I love you, Avery.”
“I know. I’m lovable.”
I kiss her forehead. The need to rush upstairs and show her how much I love her almost overwhelms me, but I know we will have to wait.
“It’s fast,” I say.
“Remember what I said about that timeline? Doesn’t matter. When you know, you know.”
As we step into the house, my mother hurries toward us.
“Finally,” she says, her worried gaze on Avery. “I talked to your parents, and they will be here tomorrow. They said Cora wanted to come down, but it would mean bringing all four of her children. Your mother convinced her not to come.”
“Thank God,” Avery says.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I hit my head on the coffee table after an ex tried to kill me. So, it’s not great.”
My mother smiles. “Come on over here. We have food coming, and it’s just family. I also think that Ted is deathly afraid of Meredith. She keeps hissing at him.”
Avery offers her a small smile. “She does that to most men except Jon.”
I take her to the chair and a half in the corner, settling her down. “Do you want anything?”
“Some water?”
I nod and lean down to kiss her forehead. Both cats jump onto her lap. All the while, Meredith gives Trevor the evil eye. I glance at Trev.
“I’d avoid Meredith if I were you.”
When I step into the kitchen, I realize my mother has followed me.
“How are you?” she asks.
“I’m fine. The guy didn’t get a punch on me.”
She cocks her head. “Jon. It couldn’t have been easy for you.”
“It was. I know how to fight.”
She sighs and steps closer, wrapping her arms around me. It only takes a few seconds before I shudder and wrap my arms around her.
“It couldn’t have been easy seeing her like that.”
I nod. “It wasn’t.”
I straighten and look down at her. “Thanks. I didn’t know I needed that.”
She smiles. “I’m a mom.”
She says it as if it explains everything, and it does. She has been my one constant, the person I could talk to when things went to shit.
“I like Ted. I think he’s good for you.”
Her eyes grow watery, and I panic, and of course, she sees it before I say anything. “Don’t freak. It’s nice that the two men I love the most in the world like each other.”
I nod. “I better get this out to Avery.”