Page 20 of Imperfect Love
The horror I hear in Jon’s voice makes me giggle. “Yes. Three sisters and a brother stuck in the middle.”
“That sounds like a lot of work,” he says.
I lean closer and try my best not to sniff at him. He still smells like heaven. “My folks say they raised four kids, but once I came along, I ran everything.”
Maybe that’s why they always think I can handle anything that comes my way.
“You did leave at sixteen,” Estella says.
I glance over at our hostess. “You make it sound like I ran away.”
“You just moved out?”
There is something in Jon’s voice that I can’t figure out, but then, I have a feeling I never will. This man is as sexy as they come, but he acts like he has no idea. Also, he’s too uptight.
I lean closer and realize my error the moment I do. His scent hits me just like last night, and I feel dizzy. Or maybe my blood sugar is low.
“I went away to college. Graduated early.”
He’s looking at me with horror again.
“It’s notthatbad.”
“No, what I think you’re seeing is Jon realizing he isn’t the only person who graduated from high school early,” Nancy says.
I glance at her, then back at Jon. “Yeah? What age?”
“And you thought you were a prodigy?”
“Stop teasing Jon, Avery,” Estella says, but she’s smiling.
“Sorry.” I shrug. “I skipped a couple of grades. It helps to have three sisters who are all good at different things.”
“How does that help you graduate early?” Jon asks.
“When I needed help with a certain subject, I would ask for help from a sibling. They are all very individual in their talents.”
“That makes no sense.”
Ugh, why does he have to be so persnickety? As soon as I think it, I snort. Jon would not like being known as persnickety. I would bet he would like people to think of him as stoic. His types always do. Of course, it does nothing to dispel his beauty. I mean, how does a person walk around being that gorgeous? It’s annoying.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
I blink and realize I let my thoughts show on my face.
“No reason,” I say and turn to my salad. Thankfully, Estella asks a question that distracts Jon’s attention from me.
“Your mother said she’s moving in with Ted Franklin.”
“The football player?” Travis asks.
Jon sighs. “Yes. She ambushed me with the information when we had brunch.”
That wording is interesting. “You don’t like him?”
“I don’t know him. Surprisingly, she had him show up to brunch.” He looks at his grandmother. “How did you find out?”