Page 27 of Imperfect Love
The women I date post their entire lives online, although I’ve told all of them they should be more careful about that. Avery—a woman who seems like the type that would post personal details—doesn’t. It makes her a puzzle, and I love figuring out puzzles.
I draw in a deep breath and push out those thoughts. Getting tangled up even more with Avery O’Bryan would be a mistake, and I need to keep my head screwed on tight.
Otherwise, I could lose access to my house for the rest of the year.
Ibrush my teeth and pull on a pair of PJ bottoms, then settle on my bed, trying to get my feelings under control. I’ve always had a problem with being overwhelmed. Too many thoughts crowd my brain, and every nerve in my body seems to be on fire. I’ve dealt with it for years, but it gets worse when I go through bouts of insomnia.
It won’t get any better with Mr. Egg White Omelet down there.
Just thinking about him standing there in a pair of jeans, hugging that amazing butt of his, and the black t-shirt that stretched out across a surprisingly massive chest. It isn’t like Ed, one of my brother’s best friends, but very few men are built like my favorite baker.
Jon is so lanky. I guess I expected him not to…what? Not to have muscles? And finding him in the kitchen cooking breakfast—even if it is gross egg whites—was…my body is vibrating with excitement still. My hands are shaking.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I fall back on my bed, closing my eyes.
I open one eye to find Meredith staring down at me.
“I was sleeping just fine until you woke me up.”
I know that I can handle this. It’s not like I haven’t been attracted to a man I needed to avoid before now. That’s a lie. A. Big. Fat. Lie.
Liv:Who is this? What have you done with Avery?
Me:Liv! I know you have my number saved.
Liv:Yes, but the real Avery is never up at eight in the morning.
Me:That was before my roommate showed up bright and early this morning.
Cora:Hold on, I have to tell Bitsy Reynolds to get bent.
I roll my eyes. Cora and Bitsy have a rivalry that goes back to high school.
Gerri:Just got off. Did you say that you have a roommate?
Liv:When did you get a roommate?
Me:Estella said I could stay in the house if I shared it with Jon while he’s here.
Liv:Why don’t you move back here with me?
Because I don’t want to. I love my sisters, but they all act like I don’t have my life together. I mean, yeah, I haven’t had a good night of sleep in days—okay, weeks—but I’ve always been like that. My ADHD goes crazy at night, and I can’t shut it down.
Me:I like this house. Plus, I work at night.