Page 30 of Imperfect Love
“Good idea. Keep calling him that so he doesn’t know you want to jump his bones.”
I gasp. “I never said I wanted to jump his bones.”
“Didn’t have to. I can hear it in your voice.”
My phone hasn’t stopped vibrating against my cheek, telling me our sisters are texting.
“Kiss Mason for me.”
“I will. Lunch?”
“Nope. I told you I’m going to the senior center.”
“Okay. Come for dinner.”
“Too much to do.” And to be honest, my sister isn’t the best cook.
“Mason’s cooking.”
“Why didn’t you say that first? You know I can’t pass up that.”
“Brat. Love you.”
“Back atcha.”
When I hang up the phone, I scroll through the long conversation Cora and Gerri had and their realization that Liv and I were probably chatting. Just to get me back, Gerri sends me a pic of bagels. God, New York has excellent bagels. I miss them.
My stomach grumbles, and I frown. I had dinner last night but ate it early since I went to Estella’s. I tend to eat dinner later. Okay, sometimes I have a late midnight snack of three bowls of cereal.
I look around for Meredith but don’t see her in my room. She’s probably downstairs somewhere. Hopefully, she will be terrorizing Jon. She’s a great judge of character. She hisses over the fence at the weird guy renting the house behind us.
With everything that has happened in the last forty-eight hours, I completely forgot about Creepy Dude. That’s what I’m calling him. With soft steps, I wander over to my back window and peek between the blinds. He’s standing there, staring into my backyard.
He looks normal, or most people would say that. He’s probably a little older than I am, with a bald head and eyes too small for his face. He has to be over six feet and weighs over three hundred pounds.
Then, all of a sudden, he looks up at my window.
“Eek!” I step back. There was no way he could see me. Right? I mean, I peeked through the blinds.
“Are you all right?”
I jump about five feet. My heart is hammering against my chest, and my head is spinning. When I turn, I find Jon standing in my doorway.
“What?” I ask, my voice harsh in the quiet room.
“I heard you scream. Meredith freaked out.”
I look down at my cat daughter standing at my feet. Bending down, I scoop her up, then hold her close to my chest. She purrs, the vibrations filtering over my body, calming my nerves.
“I’m fine. The shifty neighbor behind us might have seen me scoping him out.”
“Shifty neighbor? Mr. Tolbert?”
“No, Mr. Tolbert moved to Dallas to live with his son. He rents the house out now, and there’s a weirdo back there looking into our backyard.”
“So, he was sneaking a peek at his neighbor out in the open? I mean, at least he’s not spying between the blinds.”
I frown at him. Ugh, Jon’s the worst. Most people don’t call me out on my shit. “Fine. Don’t take me seriously about this dude. There is something off about him.”