Page 43 of Imperfect Love
“I like mine bloody,” I say, following behind them.
“Mason knows what you like,” Liv says with a laugh. “There’s a glass of wine for you in the kitchen.”
“Hot damn.”
I veer for the kitchen and see the glass of wine sitting there, and, thankfully, my sister knows I drink my wine like Taylor. The ice cubes clink against the glass as I pick it up to take a massive sip.
“So, that’s Jon,” my sister says as she walks into the kitchen.
I turn and face her. “You’ve seen pics of him.”
“Yeah, but he’s kind of a hottie in person.”
I frown. “I told you he was hot.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t say there was a sizzle between the two of you.
I snort. “There’s no sizzle.”
She gives me a look over her glass as she finishes off her wine.
“Hey, you should be careful how much you drink there, Livvie.”
She tilts her head. “Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not being weird.”
“You are. You never worry about how much I drink.”
There’s that little tickle in my stomach. It’s hard to explain, but something is off. I don’t know what it is, but it is not Jon Howard.
“I’m just worried about your alcohol consumption.” I lean closer. “Given your age.”
She snorts as she pours herself another glass. “You’re so funny, little one.”
Ugh, I hate that. When I was younger, they all called me that. I was a tiny baby, and the rest of my siblings are at least three inches or more taller than I am.
“Is Mr. Howard here?” my niece asks as she enters the room. Her hair is done, and she’s changed into a dress.
“Yes. He’s out back with Mason. What’s up with the wardrobe change, kiddo?”
Callie shakes her head. “No reason.” But her pink cheeks tell a different story. I let it go because I know Jon has caused a bit of a ruckus in town. Part of the reason is because of the teens. He’s probably going to get his car egged at some point. The other part is that he is a wealthy man who is also hot.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I realize Liv has been texting with our sisters.
Liv:I think Avery has a crush on her new roomie.
I look up at her with menace in my eyes. She smiles, sipping from the glass in her right hand and looking at her phone.
Cora:Oh, do tell. I’m at some boring meeting.
Liv:You shouldn’t have run for city council if you don’t like meetings.
Liv:And on the Avery front, Jon is here for dinner, and she’s blushing.
Me:Liv has been drinking. Ignore her.
Cora:Girl, I looked him up. Jump on that.