Page 48 of Imperfect Love
She looks at me. I lose my train of thought. I can’t remember the last time that happened, but those eyes get me every time she looks at me. They are dark brown, but there are flecks of gold in the depths of them.
“I’m on there enough.”
“Avery says you should be careful what you put online.” This comes from Callie. “She said there are idiots on the internet, and it’s best to avoid idiots at all costs.”
I glance between Callie and Avery and realize my roomie might be normal.
“I just say less is more. You don’t have to share everything you’re doing.”
“But you teach people to do that.”
Her gaze swings back to me, and I am there again. I can’t think. I can’t do anything.
“No. I teach people with small and big businesses to use social media to reach customers and fans.”
“She helps Quinn Hawthorne,” Callie says proudly.
“He’s one of many,” Avery says.
“Including my cousin.”
“Well, mainly Travis. He can be a little manic in his posting, which wasn’t helping their brand.”
“What about Savannah’s brother? The one who has a crush on you?” Callie asks.
Avery’s face flushes pink, bringing out her freckles. “He does not have a crush on me. He’s just flirty. He flirts with every woman.”
“She’s lying,” Liv says with a laugh. “Austin does have a crush on her. And for the life of me, I can’t understand why she doesn’t go out with him.”
“He’s our brother’s brother-in-law. You know how my relationships go. It will fizzle out, and then there will be awkward meetups every time the family gets together. No, thank you. I’m already awkward enough.”
That is actually…rational. And not something I would ever think about Avery, but apparently, she thinks things through in certain situations. Then it hits me that she actually thought about this Austin guy. As in, should she go out with him, and that has me scowling.
“What makes you think it wouldn’t work out?” Liv asks.
I suddenly don’t like Avery’s sister much.
“He’s pretty, but he’s not the kind of guy I’m interested in.” Her gaze slides to mine, and I can’t think. My body can’t keep a solid thought in my brain. “She’s just trying to embarrass me in front of you.”
“I’m not, Avery. I don’t know why you won’t go out with him.”
I want to tell Liv to shut the fuck up about this Austin dude, but then it hits me. “Are you talking about Austin Martinez?”
She nods. “His sister Savannah married our brother. We can’t understand why, but she did.”
I frown. “Is there something wrong with her?”
“Not her, with our brother.”
Liv laughs, and I tear my gaze away from Avery. Her sister is shaking her head.
“Don’t listen to her. We all love Fritz. We just give him a hard time.”
“I can’t imagine how horrible his life was for him growing up,” Mason says. “So many girls in the house.”
“Oh, please. I’m sure Everly has some horror stories about your behavior.” Liv is still smiling at him when she says it.
Mason snorts. “You’ve met my sister. She’s the one who terrorized us.”