Page 51 of Imperfect Love
I set the kettle to heat up and prepare the tea.
You should be sleeping.
I can hear Grannie Pam in my head as if she is standing next to me. Melancholy hits me in the chest. The eye-burning thing is back. How many nights did we spend together? I lost count.
You need rest.
“I know.”
Stop moping, girlie. You have things to do and see. What about that hot guy upstairs? You should sneak into his room.
Rolling my eyes, I put a teabag into my cup. Grannie Pam wasn’t a prude, but I’m sure she would tell me to pack up and move out.
“Mind your beeswax.”
“Who are you talking to?”
I scream at the sound of Jon’s voice.
“What the hell?” I demand as I turn to face him, which is a big mistake.
Holy hot nerd, Batman. Every thought in my head is now drained out and has left me completely stupid.
Jon isn’t wearing a shirt, and in my opinion, he should never wear another one ever again. There should be a law that says he must show his chest off to everyone. I take in the expanse of golden skin, the sculpted chest, and Jesus, he has an eight-pack and that sexy V thing going on.
“Meow.” I look down at Meredith, who is standing beside him.
“Meredith came into my room and woke me up.”
I frown at my cat. “How did she open your door?”
“No idea.”
When I look at him again, I wince at the scratches on his chest. “Did she wake you up by sitting on your chest?”
He nods.
“I’m sorry. Meredith, you mustn’t do that to Mr. Jon.”
“Mr. Jon?”
I shrug as the tea kettle goes off. I pour the water over my tea and stare at it like it is the most exciting thing in the world. My hope that Jon would leave me disintegrates as I hear him step closer. I lean against the counter. “I’m trying to teach her proper etiquette.”
That gets me an eye roll. “Why are you up?”
All my happy to see a hot nerd feelings dissolve, and I get defensive. And when I get defensive, I get juvenile. “Why are you?”
“I think we established that. Does that tea have caffeine in it?”
“No. I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said you were.”
“You implied.”
“You inferred.”
He walks towards me, his gaze focused on mine. I don’t know if I have ever seen a man concentrate on my face that way. I know it’s weird, but I didn’t pay attention if they did. With Jon, it’s different. He captures my attention and holds onto it. That’s no easy feat.