Page 62 of Imperfect Love
I can’t think. Like my entire mind has shut down and refuses to form words. All I can think about is those amazing lips, those blue, blue eyes, and how I would like to climb Jon Howard like he was a tree.
I blink. This man is my nemesis, and I must remember that.
“Right. Oh, I thought this guy—Mr. Keller—was trying to steal from this little store. It had little figurines and other things to decorate your house.”
Did he inch closer? I feel he’s closer, although I didn’t see him move.
“Well, I watched him for a week, and he kept going in there. Maybe he wanted to buy his wife something, but he went there four times in one week. And he was inside forever. So, I set a trap for him.”
“You did?”
I nod, my gaze locked with his. “And when I exposed him, I really exposed him.”
“What do you mean?”
I sigh, still not able to look away from Jon. When the man concentrates on you, it’s like nothing else exists. No wonder he gets so many supermodels in his bed.
His voice is deeper, sexier.
I clear my throat. “It seems that Mr. Keller was having an affair with the shopkeeper. I caught them right in the middle of a nooner.”
He presses his lips together, his eyes lighting with humor. The chuckle escapes, and it’s a glorious sound. Everything in my whole entire body tightens at that little sound, and for a second, I’m transfixed. His face relaxes into humor, his dimples showing.
Thisis the man who gets supermodels in his bed.
I frown at that thought. Why is that bothering me? What do I care if he wants to sleep with supermodels or other chicks? I just need him out of this house.
“I’m sorry for laughing,” Jon says, misreading my expression.
I shake my head. “It’s okay.”
“What happened? With Mr. Keller and his nooner companion?”
The wording makes my lips twitch. “Nothing much. I mean, calling the cops on him was stupid.”
Another chuckle and I feel like I’ve won a damned prize. “The cops?”
“Listen, I get it. It wasn’t a well-thought-out hypothesis. I was only fifteen.”
“Did you get in trouble?”
“Not really. Grannie Pam took care of it for me. Like she always did.” And unexpectedly, a wash of memories hit me. The times she saved my ass, the fun we had planning all the trips I would take when I was an adult.
“Hey, I was going to go into town to the diner for a milkshake.”
I blink and look at Jon. “Good for you.”
“You want to come with me? Strictly just to get out of the house. You should give watching your neighbor a break. Besides, he went in.” He’s looking over my shoulder through the window. I follow his gaze, turning to get a better look at the yard. Sure enough, Creeper is gone.
“Aw, come on, Avery. Estella says you like milkshakes,” he whispers in my ear, his breath feathering over my ear. I suppress a shiver. He’s so close that he could tug on my earlobe. Heat curls in my belly then slides down. God, he’s sending my hormones into overdrive, and he has no idea. I’m sure I’d disgust him if I turned around and kissed him. But I really, really, really want to.