Page 67 of Imperfect Love
“Do any of us look like our names?”
“Yes. I definitely look like an Avery. You look like a Jon.”
Then she giggles.
“Well, a Jon. Get it?”
I roll my eyes and try not to laugh. It shouldn’t make me laugh that she’s mocking my name, but the truth is, this is the most relaxed I’ve felt in a long time, especially in Juniper.
“But I definitely look like an Avery.”
“It’s a different kind of name.”
She smiled. “Like me, so it fits.”
He couldn’t argue with that. “How did your parents come up with the name?”
“For a long time, I thought they named me after the label company.”
“Why did you think that?”
“Fritz. He’s such, well, a Fritz.”
“Your brother told you that?”
“Oh, don’t look so horrified.”
“That’s mean.”
“Yeah, but that’s siblings. He was in the minority, and we did not make his life easy. Especially Cora.” She chuckles. “That’s one O’Bryan you do not want to piss off.”
“I will never understand siblings.”
“You have some, though, right?”
I nod. “I have a couple half-brothers I don’t really know. And some step-siblings.”
“And this new dude, he’s got kids.”
“New dude?”
“The dude shacking up with your mother.”
Damn, I’d almost forgotten about that. “Yeah. I guess I’m supposed to meet his daughters at some time.”
“That will be good. You need siblings.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“When you need help, they’re always there. At least mine are. Sometimes too much.”
But there was something in her voice, something that I couldn’t figure out what it meant. The waitress returned, slamming our ticket down on the table, giving Avery another nasty look.
“You’re right. I better not sit in her section again. There would probably be spit in my food.”
“That’s not a thing that happens.”