Page 7 of Imperfect Love
I pull myself up so I can look down at him. In the porch light, I can make out his features easily. Dark hair, blue eyes with eyelashes I would kill for. There’s a dribble of blood on his fuller bottom lip. Damn, I must have hit his mouth. First confusion, then anger light his eyes, oh mama. His hands are on my waist, his fingers twitching the moment we make eye contact.
He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, and I’ve worked with a couple of male models. Why am I even thinking that? Lack of sleep and the adrenaline coursing through my body must have scrambled my brain.
At that moment, Josh shows up, screeching to a halt behind the sedan the intruder apparently drove to break into the house. Once out of his car, Josh rushes to the front door, only to slow down when he sees who I am on top of.
“What the hell?” Josh says with a laugh. “When did you get back in town?”
The intruder looks up at Josh. “Is this a new thing? Did the LOLs set up someone to attack me when I got back into town?”
“No. The teenagers would have more of a reason to set that up.” Josh’s laugh barks out of him. “Avery O’Bryan, I would like you to meet Jon Howard.”
My eyes widen as I look down at the man I just attacked. His eyes narrow as they study me. He’s pissed, and for some reason, that’s apparently a turn-on for me. My nipples pebble under his frowny stare.
“Jon Howard?”
He nods, his eyes flaming with irritation. Heat pools in my stomach and then rushes lower. Oh, God. I’m getting hot over someone being angry with me.
I have definitely lost my mind.
“Now, maybe you can tell me what the fuck you’re doing squatting in my house?”
My head is still throbbing as I sit at the kitchen table inmyhouse. I have a cold compress on my lip as I glare at the woman who attacked me. Avery, according to Josh. She has yet to apologize.
“You can’t really blame me.”
She has said this five times in the last ten minutes and keeps getting increasingly belligerent. It’s not making her any less attractive. For such a small woman, she packed a punch when she landed on top of me. Her chin-length dark hair is a riot of loose curls around a heart-shaped face. Dark brown eyes study me as if I’ve lost my mind. LikeI’mthe crazy one.
“Actually, I can.”
She crosses her arms beneath her breasts. I try not to notice, but it’s hard to ignore that motion. She’s not wearing a bra, and I hate to admit it, but my attacker is stacked. When I finally tear my gaze away from her chest, her smirk tells me she saw where my attention was.
“I have a lease.”
It takes me a second to get my brain to work. She’s wearing an old shirt and sleep shorts. Most women would go get a robe or something. Not her. “You can’t have a lease. This is my house.”
“Is it?”
I try not to growl because she’s got me there. Yes, I’ve always thought of this house as mine. My mother and I lived in the house after my parents split up. Then, when we moved away, it was always waiting for us when we arrived back in town. But now this woman lives in it, claiming my grandmother rented it to her. It’s the first time that would have ever happened that I knew about. It’s not like my grandmother needs the money.
Josh is on the phone with Estella in the other room, trying to sort out this mess. His low baritone is barely loud enough for me to hear, but there’s a lot of laughing. That’s not something I’m accustomed to hearing when someone is dealing with my grandmother. Usually, there’s shrieking or crying. Apparently, no one alerted my grandmother someone was squatting in her house.
I look down at the cat. Yeah, I’m unsure if my grandmother would like the idea of a cat in her house.
“Meredith, get away from him. He’s trying to make us homeless.”
Jesus, this woman. She is insanely overdramatic. I put her age in her mid to late twenties. She barely comes up to my shoulder, so I tower over her. Also, she has the most amazing soft curves. Don’t judge me. She had them pressed against me not too long ago.
For her part, the cat ignores Avery and jumps on the table, then settles in front of me. She doesn’t blink as she stares straight at me. It’s unnerving.
“What’s wrong with you?”
I open my mouth, but Avery gets up and grabs the cat. I realize she’s not talking to me.