Page 94 of Imperfect Love
My family knows me too well, and apparently, my sister knows the lyrics to Starlight. I walk over to the chair and collapse. “What am I going to do?”
She sobers and leans forward. “What do you mean?”
“I have to face him. I have to live with him!”
I know my voice is turning hysterical, probably because I’m about to lose it. It’s like when the whole thing with Chet happened, and I felt out of control. I did some out-of-control stuff that would probably be considered illegal. Okay, they were illegal. But Chet deserved it.
At that time, Grannie Pam had talked me down off the cliff. Without her around, I feel out of control most days and today most of all.
“Hey,” she says, putting her hand on my knee. I look up at her, and this is Mama Bear Liv. “You are Avery Freaking O’Bryan. There isn’t anything you can’t do. You conquer every fear you have.”
I want to scream. I love that my family thinks so much of me, but right now, everything in my head is like the Upside Down inStranger Things. It’s been that way since Grannie Pam died, and this development is like Vecna showing up. I want someone to see me and understand what is happening with me. Part of it is my fault. I haven’t talked to them about what’s happening in my head. Mainly because I can’t figure it out myself.
“I guess.”
“Listen, why don’t I tell Nancy I will be late?”
Usually, my sister doesn’t work on Sundays, but Nancy and Travis are about to head out to start filming their show again. I know they were getting together to ensure everything was good to go while they were gone.
“I don’t want to make you late for work.” I know she would do it for me, but Liv is a stickler for doing things on time.
She shakes her head. “You’re my family, and Nancy always says family comes first.”
“Thanks, Liv.”
She leans over to give me a one-arm hug. “I’m just happy I get to do something for you since you help me so much with the kids.”
The backs of my eyes burn, but I say nothing. My emotions are pushing against my brain and making me feel completely out of control. I’m afraid I’ll start sobbing, not from sadness.
“But only if you tell me you told people you were a duchess and Jon was a prince.”
“Har, har.”
“Let me text Nancy, then we’ll go to the diner. Does that sound okay?”
I nod and let her go. Pointing out that I was just there wouldn’t do any good, and besides, all I did was drink coffee. Okay, I had a midnight donut. Don’t judge. Or do. I don’t care. I needed it.
My phone buzzes in my hand, and I look down. It’s Jon.
Unknown Number:Please tell me you are okay and just in a sugar coma somewhere.
Unknown Number:This is Jon, by the way.
I roll my eyes. I admitted to having a donut at midnight, but he doesn’t know that. Then I realized he had my number, and I never gave it to him. I assign the number to his name before texting back.
Me:How did you get my number?
Jon:You signed a lease.
Jon:Also, I am a computer genius.
Me:I’m fine.
Jon:Good. Meredith was worried.
I fight a smile because, seriously, who would think Jon Howard had a sense of humor.
Me:Right. That skank probably went to sleep with you.