Page 97 of Imperfect Love
"Those are very normal things to do."
"Not for her. And let's be honest, she's never been normal."
"Tsk, tsk. I never knew you were so judgmental."
"I'm not." But in that instance, I know I am. What I can't tell her is that I don't trust the other women. My mother would laugh at me for my worries about Estella, but she's not acting normal. As people get older, they get taken advantage of.
"Well, I think it's good for her. Getting out of that massive house and spending time with people around her age is important."
"That's what Avery says."
"The woman who stole my house."
A beat of silence. "Do you have something to tell me?"
"What does that mean?"
"There was something in your voice."
I roll my eyes. First Trevor, now my mother. "There's nothing in my voice."
You and I know I'm lying, but I don't want to discuss this insanity with my mother. No other woman has gotten under my skin like Avery has. They've tried, but none have succeeded. Avery tried to get under my skin, but it was more about getting me to leave than capturing my attention. She's been a complete asshole to me, and I can't stop thinking about her.
What does that say about me? Nothing good, I'm sure.
"You're not listening to me again."
I blink and pull myself back from those thoughts. I can't start brooding. That leads to depression, which is never good. It can get me off track for weeks. I've dealt with it for over a decade and know how to pull back from it.
"Sorry. I was up late because of the party last night."
"Yes, you looked very handsome."
I smile. "Mom, I know you didn't see me."
"There were pictures of you on the JSE. I told you."
Dammit. Okay, it isn'tabig deal, but I'm also realizing the security issues. I should have foreseen this issue, but for some reason, I did not. All I wanted to do was create the app and be done with everyone from Juniper bothering me. Getting them off my back, especially the LOLs, had been my main focus when creating it.
"We should be there in time for the meeting."
"Is bringing Ted to something like that a good idea? He might go running for the hills."
"True, but he's looking forward to it. He has a weird sense of humor."
Another mumble, and my mother laughs. She sounds happier than she's ever been. It makes my heart somehow lighter. While I didn't like how she sprung Ted on me, I was coming around to the idea that he might be good for her.
"I'll see you when we get there."
"Okay. Be safe."
Once I'm off the phone with my mother, I look at Meredith, who is now sitting on the arm of the sofa, giving me a glare.
"I didn't tell her to go out."