Page 65 of Liam
“Saddle up,” Terry yelled out.
Everyone got up and saddled their horses. Today, they would head back. They’d camp one more night before returning to the ranch.
Liam reined in Diablo and looked at the men sitting on their horses, ready to head home. He signaled for the dogs to go, and they ran behind the horses.
This was so much a part of his life, and he was glad Siobhan wanted to share it. He glanced back to see her and Margie riding together, talking and laughing. It made him grin. She fit right in.
“Don’t go there, Flynn. We’re not sure how this will go yet.”
“Talking to yourself?” Terry asked him when he stopped his horse beside him.
“Hell, that’s all I do.”
“If a man has a woman in his life, he isalwaystalking to himself, and it’s usually to give himself hell.”
Liam laughed. “That is the truth.”
“Siobhan seems nice. Margie likes her, and she doesn’t like anyone,” Terry said, and chuckled.
Liam grinned. “I know.”
“That woman can have me shaking in my boots.”
“And we men think we rule the world,” Liam said.
“Smart men know better. She’s the boss.”
“My dad has said the same thing about Mom. He said he saw the boss’s job, and he didn’t want it.”
Terry laughed. “I understand that. I’m going to head to the other side.”
Liam nodded, then nudged Diablo closer to Siobhan since Margie rode with Terry. Since Liam didn’t have to worry about the cattle, he wanted to ride back beside Siobhan.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Why?”
“Just wondering if your ass is still sore.”
Siobhan laughed. “No, you helped me with that.”
“Maybe I have some sore parts.” He laughed when she snorted.
“I’ll check them tonight.”
“Can’t wait.”
“One more night.” She looked at him. “I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had.”
“Good. I love going.”
“I’d go again.”
“I’d like that.” He stared at her then winked, making her grin.
A few hours later, Liam rode to the front of the group and raised his hand so they’d stop.