Page 67 of Liam
“Oh, okay.”
A little while later, he drove her home, and neither spoke. She wondered what was going through his head.
He stopped his truck at the steps, shut it off, and looked at her.
“I’m glad you went.”
“Me too.”
“Let me walk you up.” He opened his door, exited the truck, got her case from the back, then followed her up the steps.
Siobhan unlocked the door and looked at him.
“Do you want to come in?”
He smirked. “Irish, if I go inside, I won’t come back out. I have to get back. I’ll call or text you soon.”
“All right.”
He kissed her lips, touched the brim of his hat, then ran down the steps, got into his truck, and drove away.
Siobhan walked along the sidewalk, smiling at people she passed, and entered her grandmother’s shop. She smiled when she saw Fiona talking with a customer.
“Hi, honey. I’ll be right with you,” Fiona said.
“I’m fine, Grandma. I stopped by to see if you wanted to get lunch.”
“I’d love to. Let me finish up, and we can go. This is Kenzie Porter, Kenzie, this is my granddaughter, Siobhan O’Brien.”
“Hello, Siobhan. It’s nice to meet you,” Kenzie said as she shook her hand.
“You too, Kenzie.”
“Let me pay you for this, Fiona. Cash will pick it up tomorrow.”
“Wonderful. I’m sure Sunny will love it.”
“I’m sure.” Kenzie paid for the craft set, smiled, then walked out.
“She seems nice.”
“She’s a sweetheart.”
“Is Sunny her daughter?”
“Oh, no. Sunny is her grandmother-in-law. Sunny has always done crafts, but anytime it was mentioned buying her some, she’d tell them she didn’t need any. Cash got it for her.” Fiona smiled.
“That’s so sweet.”
“Sunny and Pops raised Cash from a baby when his mother, their daughter, left him behind. He turned into a good man.”
“Do you need to lock up?”
“Yes, honey. I don’t think anyone would come in and take anything, but I don’t want any tourists coming in without me here.”
“It seems like the crowds have gotten smaller.”