Page 85 of Liam
“Okay, can I drive there?”
“No. Horseback. Do you need someone to saddle a horse for you?”
“I can do it, but if someone could start it, I’ll get out there sooner.”
“All right.” Joanna stood, walked to the two-way radio on the counter, and called someone, telling them to saddle a horse.
“Won’t Liam hear that?”
“Probably, but he won’t think anything of it. Sometimes I go out for a ride.”
“Okay. I’ll head out there now. Wish me luck.”
Joanna hugged her. “You don’t know how much luck I wish you. He needs you in his life, Siobhan. Make him see it.”
“Damn right, I will.” She grinned when Joanna laughed.
“One word of advice: don’t take any shit. The Flynn men think they rule. They don’t. Keep me in the loop. Now, go get him.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Siobhan ran out the door and across the yard to the barn. When she entered, she saw a man leading the horse to her.
“Ma’am? Is the horse for you?” He looked confused.
“Yes, it’s fine.”
“Yes, ma’am. Let me get the stirrups adjusted for you.”
“Thank you.” She waited as he adjusted the stirrups for her. He looked at her when he finished.
“There you go. Have an enjoyable ride, ma’am.” He touched the brim of his hat and strode through the barn.
Siobhan nudged the horse and rode out of the barn. She took a deep breath and followed the road Joanna had pointed out. She had no idea how long it would take her to reach Liam, but she wasn’t leaving until he spoke to her.
“Hardheaded, stubborn ass, cowboy,” she muttered.
An hour later, she reached the fence and could see the newer wire, so she headed south. When she crested a knoll, she halted the horse when she saw the men working on the fence.
Nudging the horse, she trotted to the fence. Siobhan saw the men looking at her but didn’t see Liam. Had she come all this way, and he wasn’t even here?
“Can we help you, ma’am?” a cowboy asked her.
“Where’s Liam?”
The man pointed further along the fence.
“He’s ahead of us, taking the old wire down.”
“Okay. Thank you.” She nudged the horse into a run along the fence.
She knew those men had to be wondering what she was doing here. She didn’t recognize any of them from the cattle drive. She nudged the horse and rode along the fence.
When she saw him, she slowed the horse and went to where he worked, cutting the fence. He looked up, did a double take, set his tools down, and walked to her.
“What are you doing here, Siobhan?”
“I came to see you. Why else would I be here?”