Page 90 of Liam
Her grandmother wanted her to visit for Thanksgiving, but she had told her she couldn’t. Now she was giving it some serious thought.
Liam rode Diablo into the yard and saw JoJo’s vehicle. She must be visiting their parents. He entered the barn, dismounted, and cooled the horse down.
As he walked him through the barn, he saw his sister enter and head for him. Shit. He didn’t need any more damn lecturing, especially from his little sister.
“Are you okay?”
He stopped and looked at her.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. You miss Siobhan.”
“JoJo, butt out.”
“I will not. I thought you were miserable when you and Monica broke up, but this is way worse.”
Liam said nothing as he turned Diablo to head the other way, but JoJo followed him. He sighed.
“Say something.”
He halted. Siobhan had said those same words to him.
“What do you want me to say? That I miss her? I do. That I love her? I do. Now, leave me alone. Go home to Brett.”
“Please, JoJo. Just let it go.”
“Okay. I will for now, but if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.” She turned to leave.
“You know, a time is going to come when we have to talk about how to run the ranch once our parents are gone.”
JoJo sighed. “I know. I hate thinking about them being gone, but it’s not something we can avoid.”
“What do you want to do?”
“About the ranch?” He nodded. “I don’t know, Liam. I live with Brett.”
“That’s why I’m asking.” He removed his hat, thrust his fingers through his hair, and resettled the hat. “I’d love to buy you out.”
“If you don’t want to sell out to me, we’ll work it out. This is your ranch too—”
JoJo laughed. “No, it’s not, Liam. This isyourranch. I’ll talk to Brett about it, but he’ll probably think as I do.”
“And how is that?”