Page 50 of Feels Like Forever
I’ve just parked at the hospital when Robbie sends a text to the group we’re in with our other friends:
Fixing to make this yard b-e-a-utiful, fellas
Attached is a picture of a huge house with an equally huge yard. The grass, sprawling flower garden, and multiple shrubs are wild and in need of serious attention. My mouth falls open at the thought of how much money he’s going to make off that project.
ME:Damn, dude! You’ve got your work cut out for you
ROBBIE:Right? Gonna be a long ass two days. Backyard is even bigger and even worse. But the old lady already tried to tip us for showing up on time so just think how happy she’s gonna be when we’re done
ME:Hell yeah. Rock it
ROBBIE:Rocking will commence in 60…59…58…
TYLER:haha, look at that dog dumpin in the background
MATT:I was just about to say that! LOL
Upon zooming in on the picture, I see the dog in question near the overgrown garden. He really is mid-squat…and he’s looking in Robbie’s direction.
We laugh about that and jack around for a little longer, and then Robbie says he’s gotta get to work. After we all wish him luck, I put my phone up and head into the hospital.
Lolly has been hating the physical therapy (I don’t blame her), but it’s not all for nothing. Her hip is slowly getting better. A few times, she’s been made to get out of bed and move around—in fact, I got to take her on a short walk when I dropped by yesterday. Maybe we can go on another one today. It would likely only be in the hallway like before, but progress is progress. The sooner she gets used to walking again, the sooner she’ll be able to go back to Quiet Springs.
I come up on her room as a couple of nurses are leaving.
“Hey, how’s my grandma doing?” I ask.
“Really great,” one of them says as the other keeps walking. “Her stats are good and her hip pain is being managed really well. And she’s in a happy mood!” She laughs and gestures to herself. “Apparently, I look like Meg Ryan, so she was quoting movie after movie at me.”
Pleased, I laugh, too. “Really?Awesome!” Nevermind that I can’t recall what exactly Meg Ryan looks like or what movies she’s been in. Lolly is looking good from a medical standpoint, she’s not irritable, and she’s remembering movie quotes.
Still chuckling, the nurse says, “Have a good visit, hon.”
“Thank you!”
Lolly’s door is open, so I head on in. I can see the TV is playing some cooking show—man, she always loved to cook. She and Pop both did, and they taught me well. I know she misses being able to putter around her own kitchen.
I turn the corner and spot her sitting up in bed, her attention fixed on the TV. Although I don’t want to interrupt her, I’m excited to kick my day off with her.
I greet her with a bright, “Hello, hello!” She looks over at me and I continue forward, extending the equally-bright flowers. “Morning, Lolly! I hear you’re—”
Startled, I trip to a halt.
“No! No!” Her voice is so shrill it raises the hairs on my arms. “No!”
I look around wildly and ask over her, “What? Lolly, what’s wrong?” My eyes land on the flowers and I stretch them out behind me, away from her. “Do you not like these flowers? I’m sorry! Look, I’ll—”
The TV remote she’s been holding comes flying at me so suddenly that I can’t dodge it. It hits me hard in the shoulder before it clatters to the floor.
I stagger backward as my jaw drops. “Lolly?”
“Get out!” she screeches. “You monster! I told you—I told you Inever, everwanted to see you again!”
The shocked confusion that has taken over me gives way to ice-cold dread.