Page 88 of Feels Like Forever
Now,thatis something Rae is interested in. Liv is reluctant because she’s saving money to buy Rae’s costume and she doesn’t want me to pay for anything. I talk her into letting me treat them, though; she’s had a hard week, too. And, man, does it feel good to lay eyes on her. I can’t tell just by looking at her that she’s been stuck at home for the last several days, caring for a wounded child. She still looks lovely.
And I can tell she’s happy to see me, too, even though she doesn’t throw a hug on me like Rae does. It’s in her eyes, in her smile.
I hear Bill’s voice in my head, saying that stuff about how I light up when I’m around her or when I talk about her or whatever.
For a second, I think about how it’s happening in real time, right now, as we walk down the hall to the elevator.
Then I brush it off, because I can’t think about that. I don’t want to risk getting upset again and ruining our outing.
It’s a little harder to brush off later when we’re back at their door, Rae all worn-out, goodbyes hanging in the air. Because Livdoeshug me this time. She stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck for a much less awkward hug than the other day, which means my arms are free to embrace her properly, too, which means her body ends up pressed all along mine, which makes my calling our first hug‘electrifying’downright laughable becausethisis a damn electrifying hug.Thisis.Thisis what it feels like to hug someone and love it.
In fact, this time, it takes me quite a while to brush off Bill’s words.
By the time I manage it, I’m tired as hell. I’ve had a good but busy day, and my attempt to watch TV on the couch makes me sleepy.
I can’t make myself stand up and go to my bedroom, or even stand up and pull my clothes off. I just pass out where I am.
I wake up to my phone buzzing again and again and again and again and again—
Groggily, I fumble for it. I get it up to my face and catch Liv’s name on the screen just before the call ends.
Then I see it’s 3:18 AM and that she has called a total of four times in the last two minutes.
I’m suddenly wide awake.
Worried, I hastily tap at her number. What the hell is she spam-calling me at this hour for?
One ring…two rings…th—
“Lan-Landon?” a tearful little voice judders out. “P-please he-help me!”
Oh, fuck.
It’s not Liv. It’sRae.
“Rae!” I jump up from the couch. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Is Annie hurt?”
“I d-don’t kn-know!”
My blood runs cold.
Scenarios fly through my mind, each more horrific than the last: Kelle causing trouble, Rae hiding from robbers, Rae hiding fromarmedrobbers, Liv having a medical emergency,Liv lying dead—
I all but shout, “Are you at home?” even as I run out my front door and toward theirs.
“Yes,” Rae cries.
“Come open the door and let me in, okay? I’m right outside!”
I stop in front of their apartment and wait out the longest three seconds ever.
When the locks turn and the door opens, Rae is made visible. Her hair is rumpled and her face is wet, but she’s clothed and not bleeding—she looks like she’s in one piece. But where is Liv?
“What’s going on?” I rush out.
“Annie,” she sobs, her eyes spilling tears. “She w-won’t wa-ake up!”