Page 1 of The Force of Five
“Dream, did you eat the last lollipop again?” Hope asks angrily from downstairs; I turn the cherry-flavoured sucker around in my mouth as I step into my room, and then pull it out, making a popping sound.
“Sorry,” I call out, and immediately hear Hope muttering to herself. Looking around, I smile. What can I say? If you snooze, you lose. I lift my hand as I walk towards my bed, and let the shiny pieces of glittery fabric that drapes down from my ceiling float through my fingers. I opened my window earlier, and the breeze coming from outside is gently blowing the fabric, making it sway, the colours reflecting off the walls in a glittery sea of light.
I can hear the birds chirping in the trees that surround the house, the sound making me smile. I sit down on my bed and lean back against the headboard, my legs stretched out before me. Rolling the lollipop in my mouth, I smile as the flavour of cherry engulfs my senses. I bring the hand lying in my lap up to the beautiful purple amethyst stone hanging around my neck, and sigh. The stone always brings me peace and makes me smile.
My sisters and I are five Eternity Fairies, all born to the sovereign queen Fairy, our mother. The five of us are very different in our powers, as each one of us has a different gift we share with others. As one of the Eternity Fairies, my job is to help make people’s dreams come true. When someone has a dream and works really hard to acquire that dream but sometimes is finding it difficult to make it come true, that is where I come in and give them a little push in the right direction, or sometimes a big push, depending on the situation.
My sisters, Hope, Love, Reality, Vain, and I all live in the middle of Eternity Fae Forest. The house is big enough that we each have our own room, and when looking at each room, it is evident whose rooms they are. We all have our unique way of decorating our spaces. To me, my room is the nicest. It is like a real dream, with lots of colour all around. As a hobby, I make beautiful dreamcatchers that I sometimes send to people’s homes without them knowing where it came from, to help them with bad dreams. My dreamcatchers are specially made for each person, and magically catch all the bad dreams before they can have them. The way I know about people’s dreams is with the stone that hangs around my neck. When someone is plagued with nightmares, my stone warms and starts to shine its beautiful purple light. As I touch it, an image of the person having the dreams will appear in my mind. I close my eyes and walk into their dreams to make them more peaceful. I sometimes make a special dreamcatcher and send it to them to help them sleep better at night. They will never know where it came from, but they are so beautiful that everyone ends up hanging them up.
Living deep in the forest helps us find the peace we require from nature, and no one will find us here, but we are still close enough to people to know when they need our help. I love seeing people happy. To be able to contribute to that happiness for me is a blessing. Leaning forward, I pick up the paintbrush I left there earlier. I look at the half-painted wall to my right and smile.
I decided to paint a waterfall, with a stallion poking its head through the cascading water. When the painting is finished, I will be able to go to bed and dream that I am at the waterfall, surrounded by birds and the sound of running water.
“Dream, have you seen Beast?” Love asks from the doorway. Looking over at her, I start to giggle. There is grass all over her hair, and her tights have holes in them, which tells me that Beast got the better of her once again. Love has an affinity for animals, and Beast, as his name professes, is an animal. He is a cross between a huge dog and a lion. He can be feral when necessary, but is otherwise a real sweetie. He just doesn’t know his own strength.
“Did you try to put that collar around his neck again to try to walk him like a pet?” I ask, and she rolls her eyes as she shrugs.
“I will get him to come around. Just you wait and see,” she says grumpily as she walks in and comes to sit on my bed. I shake my head in amusement at her persistence. Beast always wins, but she insists on trying to tame him.
“Oh, Love, I do admire your persistence,” I say.
“Oh.” Love sighs as she gets up from the bed and comes to stand next to me. “It’s looking great. I wish I could paint like you.” She moves closer to look at the outline of the horse, her hand lifting to touch what looks like glittering water.
“You haven’t seen nothing yet. I am using paint that lights up at night.” Love looks over at me, shaking her head in awe.
“You are so talented.” She steps closer and hugs me close, kissing my cheek. Love has always been the hugging, kissing type. As the love Fairy, she helps those who think love is lost to them, showing them the way. Love has the voice of an angel; she can sing like no one I have heard before. “Well, I better go look for Beast before he destroys something of Vain’s.” We both giggle at that, as Beast likes to pick up Vain’s things. We usually find the things hidden in his bed, all wet from his dribble.
“I’ll come with you.” I don’t want to miss this if he did pick up one of Vain’s things. I throw my paintbrush down and hurry after Love. We head down the corridor to Vain’s room. Getting there, we see her lying on her bed, reading. As we both come to a standstill at her door, she looks up towards us.
“What?” she asks with a raised brow.
“Have you seen Beast?” Love asks as she looks around, not that she has to. With the size of Beast, you can see him immediately wherever he is.
Vain immediately sits up on her bed and points at Love. “He better not have taken anything else of mine,” she states as she starts to look around her room. Vain, as per her name, has self-confidence like no one else I know; she believes that she can do anything she puts her mind to, and she really does conquer whatever project she takes on. Out of the five of us, she is also the most feminine. She loves her makeup, clothes, and nail polish.
Vain plays the guitar like no one ever has before. She can string a tune in simply minutes. Vain has the gift of helping those who have no self-confidence. She builds them up and helps them succeed to become the best version of themselves.
“He hasn’t had time to get anything. We went outside, and the minute I placed the collar around his neck, he was off. I tried to hold on to the leash, but you know how he is. The next thing I know, I was on the ground and he was gone.”
“Maybe he hasn’t come back home,” I say as I walk towards Vain’s window and look out. I never get tired of looking out and seeing the beauty that is our surroundings. The trees that surround us hide our existence, but they also bring us the energy we need to flourish. As part of the Eternity Fae, we are guardians of alternative beings. To help us, we have the Gargoyles, who protect the cities from unwanted attacks.
We have been at peace for centuries thanks to my mother, the Fairy queen, and my father, the Gargoyle king. Humans don’t know we exist, but that is for their protection. I see a movement below coming out of the trees, and smile. Instead of Beast, I see Drez approaching. He is one of our guards and a dream to look at. I don’t tell anyone about my fascination with Drez, but I’m sure my sisters suspect.
“Can you see him?” Love asks from across the room.
“No, sorry,” I say, turning as I see Drez enter the house.
“I don’t know why you are worrying, Love; you know that sooner or later, he will be back,” Vain says as she gets up from her bed.
“I know, but he’s still a puppy, and I worry about him all alone out there.”
“Seriously, the animal is bigger than you. If anything, everything else will run away from him. He will be fine.” I can see Love’s worry, and I know she won’t rest until she finds Beast.
“Okay, let’s go see where else he could be,” I say, placing my arm through hers and pulling her behind me. I hear Vain closing her bedroom door and quickly following us. Her precaution of making sure that Beast doesn’t once again take something from her room makes me smile.
The three of us make our way downstairs, as Love would have looked in Hope’s room already, as it’s next to hers, and Reality’s is next to mine, which she would have seen before getting to me.