Page 15 of The Royal Gauntlet
“Because you would need one of the God Killer blades.” I don’t mention that Posey also has the scepter, and who knows what she can do with those two things combined? Other than jump-start the apocalypse. It’s her possession of the scepter that makes me uneasy. With it, she can control the souls of the dead,mypeople.
“Which we do have,” Essos reminds me. When he meets my eye, I can’t stop the shiver that runs down my spine. It’s hard not to shiver when that dagger holds the one thing that Octavia wants. It’s why she lured me into the cavern under false pretenses.
I can pretend that I lost track of it in the aftermath of the almost-wedding, but I didn’t. The dagger I used to stab Galen in the heart is still here, and the thought gives me goosebumps. I have to remind myself that his soul is trapped in that gem, unable to hurt me again. Knowing that Octavia is looking for it through me, Essos hid it so I have plausible deniability as to its whereabouts if I run into her again.
I look down at my hands, which feel sticky, like they’re coated in something. For a heartbeat, they’re red the way they were the night I killed Galen, but then I blink, and there’s nothing there. They’re clean.
Essos folds me against his body, and even though I’m mad at him, I let him, because I need this physical comfort.
“You mean we didn’t drop it into the ocean like the old lady at the end of that movie?” I ask wistfully.
“No, and even if you had, I could have gotten it easily,” Kai volunteers.
“It’s somewhere safe,” Essos answers vaguely.
“Safe,” I repeat, not entirely convinced.
“He’s never going to hurt you again. I promise.” Essos’s voice is gruff when he swears this to me, and I know my husband isn’t one to break his promises.
Only, I’m not sure this is a promise he can keep.
“Ihate to be the killer of moods, especially since I am one,” Cassius says, jumping into the conversation. Moments like this make me wonder what I ever saw in him while we were together. I thought we were down to just the core group, but evidently, Cassius chose to linger. A quick look around confirms our cohort is now alone.
“You are a what? Pain in the ass?” Finn asks, then looks around the room for laughs. There are only eyerolls.
“I am a mood,” Cassius clarifies, looking affronted as he pulls out a comb to smooth his hair back like it’s the 1950s and he’s waiting for Olivia Newton-John to sing backup.
“A bad one,” I mutter, but then give him a fake smile. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, can you elaborate on how you’re killing the mood, aside from these IQ-lowering comments?”
“Come on, Daphy, you loved it when I got low.” He gives me a salacious wink before running his tongue over his lips, and I shudder. What I saw in Cassius is a mystery.
“Make your point,” Essos growls, pulling me against him. His fingers dig into my hips. It’s been a long time since he’s been possessive like this, and I’m not hating it.
“Right. So, since I pay attention and I know things, like that you’re from California originally—you and your sorority sisters. Be honest, did you ever make out with one of them? Maybe that kitty Cat? You can tell me. I swear it will be a secret.” He has the audacity to wink.
It’s Xavier who growls this time at the mention of Cat.
“Your fetishization of women loving women is gross,” Helene tells him blandly. “Who invited him? Seriously?”
“Your twin brother, sweetheart. But if you would all stop picking on me, you will get to hear what I know.”
“Do you want a formal embossed invitation, Cassius? Gods you’re being extra annoying today,” Helene snaps.
The room falls silent, and we all stare at Cassius. Thankfully, he gets bored after a few seconds and puts us out of our misery. “There has been extra activity in California. In addition to zombies being drawn in that direction, there’s been a cluster of rather strong earthquakes.”
California sits on a fault line, so that’s not unusual, but I don’t expect Posey to play fair. She could be causing both issues. I chew on my lip, thinking it over. Everyone is sharing looks, wondering about the significance of this.
“I did hear she was working with the God of Disasters. They felt that their initiatives weren’t taken seriously enough by Xavier,” Dion interjects, rubbing his boyfriend’s back.
“That’s because they had stupid fucking ideas. Like sinking whole countries. Who thinksthat’sever a good idea?”
“Hadeon, apparently,” Finn says with a laugh. “Of course, they would think that. They live for chaos.”
Essos shakes his head, “No, Finn,youlive for chaos. Hadeon lives for destruction.”
“It doesn’t matter,” I snap, stepping out of Essos’s grip so I can advance on Cassius. “How did you find all this out?”