Page 57 of The Royal Gauntlet
“Thank you for looking out for her, brother,” Essos greets Xavier, extending his hand.
“So, this is why you left for a week?” Xavier questions, releasing him and looking at Callie. She’s leaning against the railing, sipping from a small espresso cup. Just seeing the dark liquid makes me want a coffee in the worst way.
“I wasn’t willing to come quietly. It took him a few days to convince me,” she supplies, glancing at me and what I’m sure is my hickey. I have to fight the urge to touch it, even though I want to. I could heal it or cover it up, but it causes a weird mix of pride and desire to wear my husband’s mark for all to see.
“What did convince you?” Helene asks from her chair. Her legs are crossed, and she’s leaning forward toward our sister-in-law. She’s so casual, as if it hasn’t been a few thousand years since Callie disappeared. Between the two of us, we’ve been gone a suspiciously long amount of time.
“Galen is dead.” Callie shrugs one delicate shoulder before looking around at both familiar and new faces.
“You are aware we’re going to change that, correct?” Finn clarifies.
“Yes, Essos was very clear what my role is going to be.” Callie is just as tight-lipped as I remember. When we would spend time with her, she was often quiet and reserved. On the rare occasion all the siblings would get together, she would remain glued to Galen’s side, doing what she could to dim her natural beauty, something difficult for the Goddess of Beauty and Sex. From what I can remember, whenever I would try to engage with her, she would close up, rarely giving more than one-word answers, whereas I would see her holding longer conversations with Helene. In retrospect, I understand why she was aloof toward me. Who would want to befriend the woman your husband was obsessed with?
“Which is what, exactly?” Cat questions. She leans closer to me so she can whisper, “You need to eat.”
I frown at her. It’s not that I’m not hungry—I’m actually ravenous—but I’m afraid of missing even a second of Callie’s comeback. “I’ll eat when our conversation is done.”
“Who are you again?” Callie questions, dark eyes boring into Cat’s.
Xavier steps into her line of sight, blocking Cat from Callie’s view. “I believe she asked you a question first.”
“I’m going to keep Galen in line by dangling what he wants on a string.”
“Out with it, Callie,” Helene snaps. “I’m getting bored of your evasive answers.”
Callie turns on her. The change in her is subtle, but I can see the sharpness in her features. Her cheekbones, once fine, are more defined. Her eyes, once doe-like, narrow in anger.
“I will not be bullied by you people any longer. I spent centuries being pushed around by your brother—being ignored and belittled. What makes you think I’ll give you any satisfaction?” She whirls on Essos, pointing an angry finger in his face. “You told me they were different. You said they would be accepting, but your sister is the same bitch she’s always been. I don’t need this in my life, Essos. I came for you, but I don’t need this. I washappy.”
“You came back because you have a duty. I helped you flee Galen. I kept you safe when he asked where you went. I traded in favors and chips I didn’t need to cash in to hide you. I am asking you to step in now, and damn it, Callista, you’re going to stay and you’re going to do this.”
“Why should I?” she demands.
He laughs, but it’s not a happy sound; it actually sends a chill down my spine. He releases my hand and steps forward so they’re toe-to-toe. “Because you swore to come when I called. Because your husband murdered my wife. Because your children were given a chance to grow up free from their father, and I want my child to do the same.”
Callie’s gaze drifts over his shoulder to me, regret and tears brimming in her eyes. “I am so sorry for what he did to you, but you have to understand. I am free of him, and being here comes at great personal cost. You don’t understand what you’re asking of me.”
“But I do,” I say. jumping in. “You left to protect your children, and they’re grown now. I’m asking for the chance to be able to raise mine. My husband kept what he did for you a secret, even from me. If that doesn’t scream that he is loyal to you, I don’t know what will.” I put as much gusto into my words as I can. A mix of pride and hurt blasts me, knowing that Essos kept something from me, but I can understand Callie seeking out Essos to help her.
Callie straightens her spine, nodding. “I have twins. When I found out I was pregnant with my sons, I went to Essos for help. I left before Galen found out. Essos spirited me away so I could raise them without their father around. I came back so you can dangle the location of my sons over Galen’s head.”
“How did no one know?” Finn asks. None of us are surprised that her reaction was to run—hiding from Galen was the right step to take.
“Rafferty,” Cat suggests.
We all move to sit at the long patio table. We’re short one seat, and the table accommodates us by lengthening and adding a chair. No one confesses to doing it, but we all settle in.
Essos nods. “Yes. He made it so when people thought of Callie, they wouldn’t think too hard about where she was. It’s a debt that Rafferty is not ashamed of lording over my head, even as I ask for more favors.
“Tomorrow, we will summon my mother. Tomorrow we will see exactly what is required of us to bring Galen back,” Essos tells the group. He’s sitting too far away from me, and that churns my stomach, especially since he’s not going like what I’m about to tell him.
“About that. We should wait to bring him back.”
Essos twists in his seat so he’s facing me.
I lean toward him, trying to soothe the worry from his eyes. “It’s just that while you were gone, a few things happened.”
“I don’t like the sound of this,” Essos interrupts.