Page 94 of The Royal Gauntlet
“Spot has your scent,” Essos supplies. Beside him, Spot bares his teeth.
Rafferty steps farther into his cave, not denying us entrance, but we’re still on guard. We walk farther and farther in. Above us, string lights brighten the darkness until we’re in what feels like a living room. I expect the space to feel dark and damp, but it’s warm and almost homey. The crackling fireplace certainly helps.
“What do you want from me this time?” Rafferty walks to a small teakettle and removes it from the warmer before pouring three cups.
Since I’m wet from being outside, I take it, but before I do anything else, I sniff it. After having Ellie and Posey attempt to bind my powers during the Trials, I’m wary of tea.
“It’s safe. I may not be your ally, but I’m also not your enemy.”
“We actually want to discuss a few things with you,” I say, taking a sip and letting the warmth flow through me.
“Well, spit it out. I haven’t got all day.”
“It would be best if the mortals forget about the zombie apocalypse and that they saw Solarem,” Essos tells him.
I suck my lower lip into my mouth before I jump in. “If the souls in the Underworld could also forget about what they endured while being released to the mortal realm, I think that would also be beneficial.”
Rafferty sits but doesn’t gesture for us to do the same. Our dogs sit themselves between Rafferty and us, seeming to be at ease, but there is a marked difference from how they were at my parents’ house versus how they are now.
“You want me to come in and clean up your mess, is that it?” Rafferty gives the appearance of considering the request as he brings his cup up to his lips. I think we have him as his head starts to bob, like it’s in a nod. “I’m going to have to pass, but thanks for thinking of me.”
“My apologies, Rafferty,” Essos bows his head in supplication, but then lifts just his gaze to the other god. “You misunderstand. This wasn’t a request. We are here to come up with possible solutions to the problem at hand and to see how we can best achieve these aims. Or I’ll have to have a conversation with my brother.”
Rafferty snorts. “What care do I have for what you discuss with your brother? Which brother would that be, anyway? The one who killed your wife or the one that is the root cause of all our recent troubles?”
“Make no mistake, Rafferty, the root cause of all of this is Posey and Posey alone,” I interrupt. “I have no problem having a conversation with Cat to convince her she needs to come clean with Xavier about how you attempted to abuse your position as the God of Memory so she would sleep with you.”
“That is not what happened and you know it,” Rafferty snaps, getting to his feet.
“I’m sorry, my memory isn’t what it used to be, but who will Xavier really believe? His sister-in-law who is best friends with the woman destined to be his queen, or the hermit of a god who can’t be bothered to do things for the greater good?” My tone stays perfectly pleasant as I push him.
When Rafferty narrows his eyes at me, I figure it’s time to flex my powers. It’s not my fault he chose to live in the side of a cliff. My power pokes and prods around me, looking for the best access, and then I find it—a tree root that’s close.
I give it a mental tug, and the root reacts, driving into the ceiling. The root reaches for Rafferty, and I would be a liar if I said it didn’t give me a perverse pleasure to watch him hit the ground to avoid the root.
“I don’t want to deal in threats, but you’ve proven yourself unwilling to work with me, so that must mean you’re working against me, against us.” My voice is still sweet as can be, and I take a sip of my tea.
“I can wipe your memories with a single touch. I don’t think threatening me is in your best interest.”
Beside me, my husband chuckles like he’s amused by Rafferty’s attempts to threaten me. “You should try taking your own advice.” Shadows creep around Rafferty, darkening the space until they’re pressing him down into the floor. “Threats against my wife haven’t worked out for anyone. We’re here to ask nicely, Rafferty. You can do good with your ability. It is a difficult thing to be cursed as the God of Memory, meant to be forgotten. Do this, and everyone will know the good you’re capable of.”
Essos eases up on the shadows, and I send the root back to where it belongs. Rafferty gets to his feet and dusts himself off. “I’d rather they not know, if it’s all the same. I suppose there’s nowhere in the realms your dog won’t find me?”
“Correct,” Essos confirms. His shoulders relax as Rafferty moves back to his chair, this time gesturing for us to sit. When we do, Essos ensures he’s between Rafferty and me so the god never has a chance to make good on his threat. I don’t know that either of us take the threat seriously; Rafferty has been mostly bluster thus far. And it’s one thing to threaten a queen of the realm and another entirely to act on it.
“How do you want this to work, if the veil is still gone?”
Essos and I glance at each other. “Let’s start with clearing up the souls’ memories. Your power is tactile, though I’ll admit I don’t know if you’re capable of using it in other ways.”
“I prefer to keep how my powers work to myself. You want the mortal realm to forget about the zombies? I can do that, and I will. The mortal souls in the Underworld will be different. Your realm is not as vulnerable to my powers. I’ll work with the Fate that used to be your assistant. They already know how my power functions, and I’m fine with keeping them in the know.”
“Sybil?” I ask.
“Yes. Now, fix the veil so I never have to be bothered by you people again.”
Essos rises dismissively. “When can you work on the Underworld?”
Rafferty rolls his eyes, and I want to smack him on the back of the head. “Let’s deal with the mortal zombie memory issue. I know where you live. I was being nice before. Now, get out of my house.”