Page 25 of Check & Mate
“Twenty in the world of . . . ?”
“Ah, right.”
Defne smiles encouragingly. Considering that I lived and breathed chess for nearly a decade, and how much I still remember about the game itself, I know surprisingly little about the nitty- gritty of professional chess, probably because of Mom’s moratorium on rated play. But Defne never makes me feel like I’m a total idiot, even when I ask totally idiotic questions. “The top twenty in the world is important. They’re the ones who manage to make the shift from competitive chess to pros.”
“Are those not the same?”
“Oh, no. Anyone can be a competitive player, but pros make a living from chess. They support themselves through cash prizes, sponsorships, endorsements from companies.”
I picture a Mountain Dew Super Bowl ad featuring a chess player.Mtn Dew: The Drink of Grandmasters.“Is Oz also a fellow?”
“The opposite. Hepayssome of the GMs at Zugzwang to train him.”
“Oh.” I mull it. “Does he have a side job?” Maybe he does Instacart deliveries from 2:00 to 5:00 a.m.? It would explain the perennial bad mood.
“Nope, but he does have a dad who’s an exec at Goldman Sachs.”
“Ah.” I notice that the journalist is taking a picture of Oz and quickly step out of frame.
It’s stupid. Sabrina and Darcy are with friends till tomorrow; Mom has been better and is working on a few technical writing pieces, which should bring in some needed cash; I told them that I’d spend the day in Coney Island with friends, then stay at Gianna’s place for the night. So Iamlying to them about what I’m doing, butthere’s no way they’ll find out where I really went from the background of Oz’s picture on
I’m being paranoid. Because I’m tired and hungry. Because Oz didn’t let me eat my PB&J. Monster.
“Hey,” Joe Alinsky says, suddenly ignoring Oz, eyes narrow on me, “aren’t you the girl who— ”
“Sorry, Joe, we gotta go freshen up before the tournament.” Defne grabs my sleeve and pulls me outside of the building. The morning air is already too hot.
“Was he talking to me?”
“I feel like Starbucks,” she says, walking away. “Do you want Starbucks? It’s on me.”
I want to ask Defne what’s going on. But I want an iced kiwi starfruit lemonade harder, so I jog after her and drop the subject altogether.
WHEN I SIT DOWN FOR MY FIRST MATCH, IN FRONT OF A MANwho could be my grandfather, my heart pounds, my palms sweat, and I cannot stop nibbling at the inside of my lip.
I’m not sure when it happened. I was fine till ten minutes ago, looking around the crowded room, staring down at my lilac sundress, wondering if it’s proper chess attire or whether I care. Then the tournament directors announced the start, and here I am. Afraid of disappointing Defne. Afraid of the sour flavor in my throat whenever I lose.
I don’t remember the last time I was this nervous, but it’s okay, because I still win in twelve moves. The man sighs, shakes my hand, and I’m left with forty- five minutes to kill. I walkaround, studying interesting positions. Then I snap a picture of the room and text it to Easton.
MALLORY:i blame you for this
MALLORY:some tournament in philly.
BOULDER EASTON ELLIS:Dude, are you at Philly Open???
MALLORY:maybe. how’s higher ed treating you?
BOULDER EASTON ELLIS:I’ve been sleeping three hours per night and joined an improv group. Put me out of my misery.
MALLORY:LMAO tell me about the improv
The little dots of Easton’s reply bounce on the bottom of the screen, then disappear and never come back. Not in five minutes, or ten. I picture a new friend walking up to Easton, her forgetting about me. She’s already posted a handful of selfies with her roommates on Instagram.
I slide my phone into my pocket and move to the next round, which I also win easily, just like the third and the fourth.