Page 103 of Love Redesigned
Oh no. I better save Julian before he goes full entitled billionaire on this poor man.
“Thank you for trying anyway.” I grab the key off the counter.
“We’ll go searching for another hotel,” Julian protests.
“I’m exhausted and want to get some rest.” While my energy levels have improved significantly along with my mood, I’m still more tired than usual.
“Come on.” I lock elbows with Julian as I steer him away from the desk.
The anger pouring off of him keeps me quiet as we make our way up to our room. With the way he huffs and puffs, I’m a bit afraid for Sam’s job security.
“At least the room is beautiful.” I note the single positive before reality smacks me in the face.
Julian’s hands clench and unclench as he glowers at the bed.
Theoneking-sized bed.
“Well, isn’t this going to be fun?” I bite down on my tongue.
Although the lavish room has its own sitting area with the newest smart TV, it becomes clear that the leather couch and chaise lounge are more for looks than comfort.
“I’ll be back.” He shuffles past me.
I latch on to his arm and hold him back. “And you’ll go do what? Threaten the guy? He already told us they don’t have another room, so you’re only wasting your time.”
Julian’s eyes shut. “What a nightmare.”
“It could be worse.”
“Imagine if I snored.”
He mutters something to himself before escaping into the bathroom with his plastic bag filled with clothes and toiletries. A pipe groans before the soft patter of water echoes through the room.
With Julian gone, I’m able to fully process the idea of sharing a bed with him. While our circumstances aren’t ideal, I’m sure we can be mature adults about it and keep to our respective sides.
Sharing a room with Dahlia proves to be a difficult challenge, especially after she takes a bath and climbs into bed beside me.
I reach over and yank on the cord of the lamp, plunging us into darkness.
“Good night,” she says as she sinks into the mattress.
Regardless of the space between us, I’m acutely aware of every breath and move she makes.
“Night,” I grumble up toward the ceiling with my arms crossed over my chest.
She shifts to the right before turning to the left, only to land on her back with a huff.
“You good?”
“Mm-hmm,” she replies before moving back to her right side.