Page 110 of Love Redesigned
Mine glare.
His lips curl. “You. I wantyou.”
My throat feels like I swallowed a bag of sand. “I recently got out of a serious relationship.”
“No one is saying you have to jump into another one.”
Not exactly the answer I was hoping for, but a decent one nonetheless.
I gather some courage and ask, “So then, what exactly are you suggesting?”
He pauses for a beat too long. “Whatever you want.”
“What doyouwant?”
His gaze flickers over my face. “Anything you’re willing to give me.”
“That’s it?”
He nods.
“So if I suggested something casual?” The question leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
“That’s fine.”
My heart sinks.He isn’t looking for anything serious.
Things are better this way. Fewer expectations. Less disappointment.
“Okay,” I reply.
Are you going to enter a no-strings-attached relationship with Julian?
My eyes blaze a trail down his body, taking him in without feeling self-conscious about it. Muscles for days. Abs worth drooling over. A mouth that promises the dirtiest things I’d love to experience firsthand.
Hell yeah, I am.
Why bother ignoring what we are both already painfully aware of? He is attracted to me. I’m attracted to him. The whole situation isn’t exactly rocket science, although our history might as well be.
Our gazes collide.
“Doyouwant something casual?” he asks in a soft voice I never knew he possessed.
I chew on the inside of my cheek until I taste blood. “Fun and simple sounds nice after everything.”
His index finger taps against his thigh. “Fine.”
“Did you expect me to object?”
“Kind of?” Or at least take more than a single second to think it over.
“You want fun and simple, then I’ll give you that.” He is saying all the right words, yet my lungs painfully constrict.
“For how long?”