Page 167 of Love Redesigned
“Remember his version of a cat?” My mom laughs.
“Or when he tried to convince us that whatever he drew was a spaceship.”
“It truly was out of this world.” Lily’s brows waggle.
I laugh as I turn toward the hall, only to be stopped by Nico jumping in front of me.
Dishes rattle as I pull to a stop. “Hey.”
He rocks back on his sneakers, making the heels light up. “You don’t have to play with us if it makes you sad.”
“Why would…” Realization dawns on me, and my kneeswobble. “Playing with you won’t make me sad.”
His brows rise behind his glasses. “It won’t?”
I kneel down so we can be at eye level. “No. Before, I was so sad that it made me feel sick, but now, I’m feeling much better.”
“Can you teach my dad how to feel better too?”
My stomach sinks.
The light in his eyes dies as I shake my head. “I wish I could, but I can’t help with that kind of sadness.”
He stares at his sneakers. “Oh, okay.”
I put the dishes down and pull him into a hug. “But he is going to get better all on his own because he’s one of the strongest people I know.”
“Like a superhero?”
“Even better. He’s a dad.”
Nico’s arms tighten around me before letting go.
I stand with shaky legs and fix his lopsided glasses. “I better get these dishes to your uncle.”
“Okay. Love you!” Nico takes off, running back to the living room.
I take a moment to center myself before heading to the kitchen with the remaining dishes.
“Shit.” Julian shakes his hand with a sneer.
“What happened?” I dump the plates on the counter and rush over to him.
“Burned myself with the stove while grabbing a pot.”
“Sorry! I must have forgotten to turn it off.” I reach for the knob and turn it all the way to the left before grabbing his hand. “How bad is it?”
“It’s not a big deal.” He tries to tug his hand free.
I tighten my grip. “Stop moving.”
“I’m fine.”
Based on the way he hisses when I brush my hand over his palm, I would say the opposite. “We have some of that silver burn cream stuff after Lily had an incident with a curling iron.” I pull him toward the fridge.
“Completely unnecessary for a little mark.” He wiggles his fingers.
“Stop fussing and let me help you.”