Page 177 of Love Redesigned
“Are you kidding? I’d eat anything from there.” I reach inside and pull out the first container with a sigh. “How is this possible? They’re in New York.”
Aomi is the most luxurious and expensive sushi restaurant in the U.S., with most meals costing over a thousand dollars per head since they import fresh seafood directly from Japan. I only went once at my television network’s expense and never returned because I couldn’t justify the price or trip.
He avoids my gaze. “I hired a guy to pick it up.”
“With what? A private jet?” I laugh off the idea.
His lips form a thin, white line.
My eyes widen. “Oh my God. Tell me you didn’t.”
His silence says enough.
“That’s terrible for the environment.”
“Are you going to make me promise to never do it again?”
“Hell no. Next time, we’ll have to go together to make it worth the carbon footprint.”
He shakes his head. “You never cease to surprise me.”
“That’s why you like me. Challenge, remember?”
He kisses my forehead before stepping away. “Enjoy your lunch.”
The excitement I felt about eating seven-hundred-dollar sushi rolls disappears as Julian walks toward the door.
“I haven’t seen you all weekend,” I say to his back.
He turns. “Did you miss me?”
I bite down on my tongue.
“You did.” He smirks.
“Shut up,” I snap.
“When you’re ready to admit you couldn’t stand being away from me for four days, come find me.” His eyes glitter as he moves toward the archway.
He pauses. “Yes?”
“Fine. I missed you.A lot.”
“Me too. I considered ditching Nico and Rafa on the second day.”
“And that right there is why I’m the favorite godparent.” Istick out my tongue.
He spares me an icy glare. “It was for their safety more than anything. I nearly poked Nico’s eye out while making s’mores because I was busy daydreaming about the other night with you.”
My cheeks flush.
He nods toward my container. “Hope the food is as good as you remember. I’ll stop by later and check on you once I’m done with the molding in the dining room.”
“Will you join me?” After spending a whole weekend without him, I want a little more than three minutes of his time.
“I was hoping you’d ask.” Hewinks. My whole world stops spinning for a second before I gather my bearings again.